I developed a Windows based Application*(C# and SQL Server 2005)* in which I used a Connection Form which estabilish a connection between my application and SQL Server. I created a setup of my application. I installed it to Client Machine, after get installed I run the application first time, the Connection Form appears to estabilish a connection with SQL Server. I entered the required input for connection, the connection has estabilished. Whenever I closed the application the connection get totally closed. Now I have to reconnect with SQL Server to run the software once again.

My query is that, I want to connect my application with SQL Server only once untill it get uninstalled, by which I will not have to estabilish a connection repeatedly. The Connection Form should appear only once untill uninstallation. Thanks in advance to help me.


2 回答 2




为您的连接字符串使用配置文件的示例位于:http ://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic/31314-sql-basics-in-c%23/

于 2013-01-11T19:27:15.517 回答


有多种考虑和方法可以实现这一目标。我将首先查看以下讨论存储和检索连接字符串的 MSDN 文章。


于 2013-01-11T19:27:22.707 回答