我需要一个布尔数组的紧凑表示,Python 是否具有内置位域类型,或者我需要找到替代解决方案?
12 回答
如果您主要希望能够命名您的位字段并轻松操作它们,例如使用在通信协议中表示为单个位的标志,那么您可以使用ctypes的标准结构和联合功能,如我如何做在 Python 中正确声明一个 ctype 结构 + 联合?- 堆栈溢出
例如,要单独处理一个字节的 4 个最低有效位,只需在 LittleEndianStructure 中从最低有效位到最高有效位命名它们。您使用联合来提供对与字节或整数相同的数据的访问,以便您可以将数据移入或移出通信协议。在这种情况下,这是通过flags.asbyte
import ctypes
c_uint8 = ctypes.c_uint8
class Flags_bits(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
_fields_ = [
("logout", c_uint8, 1),
("userswitch", c_uint8, 1),
("suspend", c_uint8, 1),
("idle", c_uint8, 1),
class Flags(ctypes.Union):
_fields_ = [("b", Flags_bits),
("asbyte", c_uint8)]
flags = Flags()
flags.asbyte = 0xc
当我最近有类似的需求时,Bitarray是我找到的最佳答案。它是一个 C 扩展(比纯 Python 的 BitVector 快得多),并将其数据存储在一个实际的位域中(因此它的内存效率是 numpy 布尔数组的八倍,它似乎每个元素使用一个字节。)
您应该看一下最近达到 2.0 版的bitstring模块。二进制数据紧凑地存储为字节数组,可以轻松创建、修改和分析。
a = BitString('0xed44')
b = BitString('0b11010010')
c = BitString(int=100, length=14)
d = BitString('uintle:16=55, 0b110, 0o34')
e = BitString(bytes='hello')
f = pack('<2H, bin:3', 5, 17, '001')
然后,您可以使用简单的函数或切片符号来分析和修改它们 - 无需担心位掩码等。
if '0b11' in b:
g = a.join([b, d, e])
g.replace('0b101', '0x3400ee1')
if g[14]:
del g[14:17]
g[55:58] = 'uint:11=33, int:9=-1'
w = g.read(10).uint
x, y, z = g.readlist('int:4, int:4, hex:32')
if g.peek(8) == '0x00':
g.pos += 10
此外,还支持标准的按位二进制运算符、打包、解包、字节序等。最新版本适用于 Python 2.7 和 3.x,虽然它是纯 Python,但它在内存和速度方面进行了相当好的优化。
将您的每个值表示为 2 的幂:
testA = 2**0
testB = 2**1
testC = 2**3
然后将值设置为 true:
table = table | testB
将值设置为 false:
table = table & (~testC)
bitfield_length = 0xff
if ((table & testB & bitfield_length) != 0):
print "Field B set"
如果这对您没有意义,请深入研究十六进制表示。这基本上也是您在嵌入式 C 应用程序中跟踪布尔标志的方式(如果您的内存有限)。
我使用二进制位运算符!、&、|、^、>> 和 <<。它们工作得非常好,直接在底层 C 中实现,通常直接在底层硬件上。
BitVector 包可能是您需要的。它没有内置在我的 python 安装中,但很容易在 python 站点上找到。
NumPy 有一个数组接口模块,您可以使用它来制作位域。
如果你的位域很短,你可以使用struct module。否则,我建议在数组模块周围使用某种包装器。
此外, ctypes 模块确实包含bitfields,但我自己从未使用过它。买者自负。
如果您想使用整数(或长整数)表示为布尔数组(或整数集),请查看 http://sourceforge.net/projects/pybitop/files/
它提供将位域插入/提取到长整数中;找到最重要或最不重要的“1”位;计算所有的 1;位反转;类似的东西在纯 python 中都是可能的,但在 C 中要快得多。
import math
class Bitfield:
def __init__(self, size):
self.bytes = bytearray(math.ceil(size / 8))
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return self.bytes[idx // 8] >> (idx % 8) & 1
def __setitem__(self, idx, value):
mask = 1 << (idx % 8)
if value:
self.bytes[idx // 8] |= mask
self.bytes[idx // 8] &= ~mask
# if size is not a multiple of 8, actual size will be the next multiple of 8
bf = Bitfield(1000)
bf[432] # 0
bf[432] = 1
bf[432] # 1
对于大多数连续位,有https://pypi.org/project/range_set/模块,它与 Python 的内置 API 兼容set
我必须处理通信协议中的一些控制字/标志,我的重点是编辑器给我关于标志名称的建议,并用“F3”跳转到标志的定义。下面的代码满足了这些要求(不幸的是,@nealmcb 的 ctypes 解决方案今天不支持 PyCharm 索引器。)。欢迎提出建议:
""" The following bit-manipulation methods are written to take a tuple as input, which is provided by the Bitfield class. The construct
looks weired, however the call to a setBit() looks ok and the editor (PyCharm) suggests all
possible bit names. I did not find a more elegant solution that calls the setBit()-function and needs
only one argument.
Example call:
setBit( STW1.bm01NoOff2() ) """
def setBit(TupleBitField_BitMask):
# word = word | bit_mask
TupleBitField_BitMask[0].word = TupleBitField_BitMask[0].word | TupleBitField_BitMask[1]
def isBit(TupleBitField_BitMask):
# (word & bit_mask) != 0
return (TupleBitField_BitMask[0].word & TupleBitField_BitMask[1]) !=0
def clrBit(TupleBitField_BitMask):
#word = word & (~ BitMask)
TupleBitField_BitMask[0].word = TupleBitField_BitMask[0].word & (~ TupleBitField_BitMask[1])
def toggleBit(TupleBitField_BitMask):
#word = word ^ BitMask
TupleBitField_BitMask[0].word = TupleBitField_BitMask[0].word ^ TupleBitField_BitMask[1]
""" Create a Bitfield type for each control word of the application. (e.g. 16bit length).
Assign a name for each bit in order that the editor (e.g. PyCharm) suggests the names from outside.
The bits are defined as methods that return the corresponding bit mask in order that the bit masks are read-only
and will not be corrupted by chance.
The return of each "bit"-function is a tuple (handle to bitfield, bit_mask) in order that they can be
sent as arguments to the single bit manipulation functions (see above): isBit(), setBit(), clrBit(), toggleBit()
The complete word of the Bitfield is accessed from outside by xxx.word.
STW1 = STW1Type(0x1234) # instanciates and inits the bitfield STW1, STW1.word = 0x1234
setBit(STW1.bm00() ) # set the bit with the name bm00(), e.g. bm00 = bitmask 0x0001
print("STW1.word =", hex(STW1.word))
class STW1Type():
# assign names to the bit masks for each bit (these names will be suggested by PyCharm)
# tip: copy the application's manual description here
def __init__(self, word):
# word = initial value, e.g. 0x0000
self.word = word
# define all bits here and copy the description of each bit from the application manual. Then you can jump
# to this explanation with "F3"
# return the handle to the bitfield and the BitMask of the bit.
def bm00NoOff1_MeansON(self):
# 0001 0/1= ON (edge)(pulses can be enabled)
# 0 = OFF1 (braking with ramp-function generator, then pulse suppression & ready for switching on)
return self, 0x0001
def bm01NoOff2(self):
# 0002 1 = No OFF2 (enable is possible)
# 0 = OFF2 (immediate pulse suppression and switching on inhibited)
return self, 0x0002
def bm02NoOff3(self):
# 0004 1 = No OFF3 (enable possible)
# 0 = OFF3 (braking with the OFF3 ramp p1135, then pulse suppression and switching on inhibited)
return self, 0x0004
def bm03EnableOperation(self):
# 0008 1 = Enable operation (pulses can be enabled)
# 0 = Inhibit operation (suppress pulses)
return self, 0x0008
def bm04RampGenEnable(self):
# 0010 1 = Hochlaufgeber freigeben (the ramp-function generator can be enabled)
# 0 = Inhibit ramp-function generator (set the ramp-function generator output to zero)
return self, 0x0010
def b05RampGenContinue(self):
# 0020 1 = Continue ramp-function generator
# 0 = Freeze ramp-function generator (freeze the ramp-function generator output)
return self, 0x0020
def b06RampGenEnable(self):
# 0040 1 = Enable speed setpoint; Drehzahlsollwert freigeben
# 0 = Inhibit setpoint; Drehzahlsollwert sperren (set the ramp-function generator input to zero)
return self, 0x0040
def b07AcknowledgeFaults(self):
# 0080 0/1= 1. Acknowledge faults; 1. Quittieren Störung
return self, 0x0080
def b08Reserved(self):
# 0100 Reserved
return self, 0x0100
def b09Reserved(self):
# 0200 Reserved
return self, 0x0200
def b10ControlByPLC(self):
# 0400 1 = Control by PLC; Führung durch PLC
return self, 0x0400
def b11SetpointInversion(self):
# 0800 1 = Setpoint inversion; Sollwert Invertierung
return self, 0x0800
def b12Reserved(self):
# 1000 Reserved
return self, 0x1000
def b13MotorPotiSPRaise(self):
# 2000 1 = Motorized potentiometer setpoint raise; (Motorpotenziometer Sollwert höher)
return self, 0x2000
def b14MotorPotiSPLower(self):
# 4000 1 = Motorized potentiometer setpoint lower; (Motorpotenziometer Sollwert tiefer)
return self, 0x4000
def b15Reserved(self):
# 8000 Reserved
return self, 0x8000
""" test the constrution and methods """
STW1 = STW1Type(0xffff)
print("STW1.word =", hex(STW1.word))
print("STW1.word =", hex(STW1.word))
STW1.word = 0x1234
print("STW1.word =", hex(STW1.word))
setBit( STW1.bm00NoOff1_MeansON() )
print("STW1.word =", hex(STW1.word))
clrBit( STW1.bm00NoOff1_MeansON() )
print("STW1.word =", hex(STW1.word))
print("STW1.word =", hex(STW1.word))
print("STW1.word =", hex(STW1.word))
print("STW1.bm00ON =", isBit(STW1.bm00NoOff1_MeansON() ) )
print("STW1.bm04 =", isBit(STW1.bm04RampGenEnable() ) )
STW1.word = 0xffff
STW1.word = 0xfffe
STW1.word = 0x1234
STW1.word = 0x1235
STW1.word = 0x1234
STW1.word = 0x123c
STW1.word = 0x1234
STW1.bm00ON = False
STW1.bm04 = True