我想通过 stm32f4-discovery 从 ov7670 获取视图。我从互联网上获取源代码并对其进行修改。但是现在我得到的视图有很大的问题。我可以用黑色获得真实的视图,但其他颜色显示深紫红色。就像http://tinyurl.com/bh49y9x一样。第一张图是ov7670上面贴黑纸,第二张是右上,第三张是左上。我无法解释为什么从 android 获取的图片是这样的。

这是我的代码:https ://github.com/ctc8631/ov7670 现在我使用 176*144 和 RGB565 进行测试,并从 android 位图转换原始数据。希望可以有人帮帮我。非常感谢。


1 回答 1


This must be caused by different number of columns associated to each line. I've faced similar problem. The simplest way is to use debugger and check range of data which is saved in image buffer. For example in my case I had 144x174 instead of 144x176 (another workaround is to properly configure start and end registers in OV7670 but this also need some effort to find propoerly values)

于 2015-04-11T11:15:23.403 回答