The problem you are fighting with is that Domino stores a datetime value with the daylight saving information which does not exists for the dates you are entering. The information for the timezone to use comes from the current user locale and / or the server.
Your date is stored in a field with the timezone it was entered (+2h GMT)
26.08.1960 00:00:00 CEDT
Domino interprets the stored value as it is, without adjusting it
var ndt:NotesDateTime = session.createDateTime("26.08.1960 00:00:00 CEDT");
returns the correct datetime value, adjusted by 2 hours for GMT
25.08.60 22:00:00 GMT
While converted back to Java, it is interpreted "correctly" that there was never a daylight saving time in 1960, that's why it will be adjusted only by 1 hour:
var ndt:NotesDateTime = session.createDateTime("26.08.1960 00:00:00 CEDT");
will result in "25.08.1960 23:00:00" if you are in the CEDT timezone.
Currently the only idea I have for an easy workaround is to kill the Timezone information in the DateTime field. To do this you can use this SSJS script:
var doc:NotesDocument = document1.getDocument( true );
var items:java.util.Vector = doc.getItems();
var item:NotesItem;
var ndt:NotesDateTime;
var dt:java.util.Date;
for( var i=0; i<items.size(); i++){
item = items.get(i);
if( item.getType() === 1024 ){
ndt = item.getValueDateTimeArray().get(0);
ndt = session.createDateTime( ndt.getDateOnly());
item.setDateTimeValue( ndt );