我对 Objective-C 还很陌生,这是我在 StackOverflow 上的第一个问题。如果我遗漏了一些明显的东西,请提前原谅我。


"Semantic Issue: Property type 'B *' is incompatible with type 'A *' inherited from 'X'"



// *** In class header file A.h

#import "X.h"

@interface A
@property X *variable1;

// *** In class B header file B.h

#import "Y.h"

@interface B : A          // B is a subclass of A
@property Y *variable1;   // More specific type for property defined in superclass

// *** In class X header file X.h

@class A;                  // Forward declaration to avoid circular imports

@interface X
@property A *variable2;

// *** In class Y header file Y.h

@class B;                  // Forward declaration to avoid circular imports

@interface Y : X           // Y is a subclass of X
@property B *variable2;    // More specific type <-- I'm getting the compiler warning here

我在 Y 类中 variable2 的属性声明中收到编译器警告。我已将此属性定义为类型 B,它是 A 的子类。此属性在超类中定义为类型 A。

如果我在类 Y 的标头而不是前向声明中 #import "Bh",编译器会看到 B 是 A 的子类并且警告消失。但是,我进入了#import 循环,因为 B 类的头文件也 #imports "Yh"。因此,我放入了前向声明以使代码编译,但我现在收到此编译器警告。



1 回答 1


Since Objective-C is duck-typed, this isn't as serious an issue as it would be in another language, but, basically, if someone creates an object of your B subclass and passes it to code that expects the A superclass, that code might set the property with an X instead of a Y. This would leave the wrong class of object in the property, and subsequent uses of the object, expecting a Y, might malfunction when they fetch an X instead.

于 2013-01-11T03:13:20.090 回答