To experiment with Cypher I wanted to load the console with my own graph. Two questions here come:
- Can I do it on a locally installed server?
- How to provide the graph configuration (the "graph setup" piece) as a default setup?
To experiment with Cypher I wanted to load the console with my own graph. Two questions here come:
是的,您可以自己对自己的数据库运行控制台。这假设您正确安装了 git、maven 和 jdk。
git clone git://
cd rabbithole
mvn assembly:single
java -cp "target/neo4j-console-jar-with-dependencies.jar" <port> <path-to-local-db> expose
如果您在上面最后一个命令的末尾添加公开,它将使数据库实际上是可写的。如果您想要只读副本,请将其关闭。请注意,您不能在运行 neo4j 服务器的同时运行带有暴露的 rabbithole,因为它们都试图锁定文件。
单击该share按钮会打开一个对话框,您可以在其中编辑图形创建语句和初始查询。完成后,单击click to generate按钮,将在下面的输入中生成一个 URL。只需将此 URL 加入书签,以便稍后检索。