#include <iostream>
class myClass // Creates a class titled myClass with a public section and a private section.
void setMyVariable();
int getMyVariable();
int myVariable; // This private member variable should never be inherited.
class yourClass : public myClass {}; // Creates a sub-class of myClass that inherits all the public/protected members into the
// public section of yourClass. This should only inherit setMyVariable()
// and getMyVariable() since myVariable is private. This class does not over-ride any
// functions so it should be using the myClass version upon each call using a yourClass
// object. Correct?
int main()
myClass myObject; // Creates a myClass object called myObject.
yourClass yourObject; // Creates a yourClass object called yourObject
yourObject.setMyVariable(); // Calls setMyVariable() through yourObject. This in turn calls the myClass version of it because
// there is no function definition for a yourClass version of this function. This means that this
// can indeed access myVariable, but only the myClass version of it (there isn't a yourClass
// version because myVariable is never inherited).
std::cout << yourObject.getMyVariable() << std::endl; // Uses the yourClass version of getMyVariable() which in turn
// calls the myClass version, thus it returns the myClass myVariable
// value. yourClass never has a version of myVariable Correct?
std::cout << myObject.getMyVariable() << std::endl; // Calls the myClass version of getMyVariable() and prints myVariable.
return 0;
void myClass::setMyVariable()
myVariable = 15; // Sets myVariable in myClass to 15.
int myClass::getMyVariable()
return myVariable; // Returns myVariable from myClass.
现在,根据我的想法,理论上应该打印:15 15 因为它总是使用函数的 myClass 版本(因此使用 myClass myVariable)。但是,奇怪的是,事实并非如此。运行这个程序的结果是:15 0 这让我想知道,我们真的不仅继承了 myVariable,而且我们也有能力去搞砸它吗?显然,这是在以某种方式创建 myVariable 的替代版本,否则 myClass 版本不会有 0。通过执行所有这些操作,我们确实在编辑 myVariable 的第二个副本。