到目前为止,我还不能 100% 确定你是如何实现它的,但这就是我想出的。
package views.html.helper
object include {
import play.api.templates.Html
import play.api.Play
import play.api.Play.current
import play.api.i18n._
// The default is to look in the public dir, but you can change it if necessary
def apply(filePath: String, rootDir: String = "public")(implicit lang: Lang): Html = {
// Split filePath at name and suffix to insert the language in between them
val (fileName, suffix) = filePath.splitAt(filePath.lastIndexOf("."))
// Retrieve the file with the current language, or as a fallback, without any suffix
val maybeFile =
Play.getExistingFile(rootDir + "/" + fileName + "_" + lang.language + suffix).
orElse(Play.getExistingFile(rootDir + "/" + filePath))
// Read the file's content and wrap it in HTML or return an error message
maybeFile map { file =>
val content = scala.io.Source.fromFile(file).mkString
} getOrElse Html("File Not Found")
@()(implicit lang: Lang)
@import helper._