I am very interested in creating a dynamic pie chart based on percentages pulled by php from my sql database (these percentages change). Basically the numbers are pulled and percentages factored by php, then the lines are drawn mby JS HTML5 canvas and CSS. If anyone has a better idea on how to do it i would love to hear it. But i guess my question is, how should i go about this? Can someone set me at a good starting point? perhaps a tutorial or something of that sort.


1 回答 1



  1. 是的,值得去做。数据可视化是目前非常活跃的发展领域。这是一门非常有趣且具有挑战性的学科。它需要大量的优化来使图表变得漂亮和快速,并且它有很大的空间来使用经典的图论算法。是的,我完全支持你的举动。

  2. 不,你在浪费时间和金钱。互联网上已经有很多非常成熟的库,在 GPL 和 MIT 许可下分发。

如果您真的想尝试开发自己的饼图。查找 Raphael.js 示例并尝试改进它的 Pie。

于 2013-01-10T22:12:08.780 回答