

  • 我不知道树有多深,我需要所有的叶子
  • 某些记录可能没有子记录
  • 我在 SqlServer 2012 下运行



2 回答 2


基于 Josh Wallace 的查询,获取后代。

declare @people table
    Id int,
    Name nvarchar(50),
    ParentId int

insert into @people values (1, 'Frank', null)
insert into @people values (2, 'Shane', null)
insert into @people values (3, 'George', 1)
insert into @people values (5, 'Hank', 1)
insert into @people values (7, 'Abigail', 3)
insert into @people values (8, 'Ben', 3)
insert into @people values (9, 'Charlie', 5)
insert into @people values (10, 'Dave', 5)
insert into @people values (11, 'Homer', 5)
insert into @people values (12, 'Junebug', 7)
insert into @people values (13, 'Bart', 11)
insert into @people values (14, 'Lisa', 11)

;with descendents AS (
    -- Anchor member definition
    select p.Id, p.Name, p.ParentId, Level = 0 
    from @people p 
    where p.Id = 1 -- person to search for descendents 

    union all

    -- Recursive member definition
    select p.Id, p.Name, p.ParentId, Level + 1
    from @people p 
    inner join descendents a on p.ParentId = a.Id

    a.Level, ParentID = p.Id, Parent = p.Name, a.Id, Child = a.Name
from descendents a 
    left join @people p on p.Id = a.ParentId
order by a.Level 
于 2013-01-16T16:14:57.367 回答

对我来说,使用 CTE 进行递归似乎是最简单的方法,这里有一个例子......

    Id INT,
    Name NVARCHAR(50),
    ParentId INT

INSERT INTO @people (Id, Name, ParentId) VALUES (1, 'Abigail', null)
INSERT INTO @people (Id, Name, ParentId) VALUES (2, 'Ben', 5)
INSERT INTO @people (Id, Name, ParentId) VALUES (3, 'Charlie', 2)
INSERT INTO @people (Id, Name, ParentId) VALUES (4, 'Dave', 1)
INSERT INTO @people (Id, Name, ParentId) VALUES (5, 'Ed', 6)
INSERT INTO @people (Id, Name, ParentId) VALUES (6, 'Frank', null)

;WITH ancestors AS (
 SELECT Id, Name, ParentId FROM @people WHERE Id = 3 
 SELECT p.Id, p.Name, p.parentId FROM @people p
 INNER JOIN ancestors a ON a.parentId = p.Id --This inner join causes the recurrsion
SELECT Id, Name, ParentId FROM ancestors

要从孩子到祖先,将 ON 语句切换为另一种方式:

    Id INT,
    Name NVARCHAR(50),
    ParentId INT

INSERT INTO @people (Id, Name, ParentId) VALUES (1, 'Abigail', null)
INSERT INTO @people (Id, Name, ParentId) VALUES (2, 'Ben', 5)
INSERT INTO @people (Id, Name, ParentId) VALUES (3, 'Charlie', 2)
INSERT INTO @people (Id, Name, ParentId) VALUES (4, 'Dave', 1)
INSERT INTO @people (Id, Name, ParentId) VALUES (5, 'Ed', 6)
INSERT INTO @people (Id, Name, ParentId) VALUES (6, 'Frank', null)

;WITH ancestors AS (
 SELECT Id, Name, ParentId FROM @people WHERE Id = 6
 SELECT p.Id, p.Name, p.parentId FROM @people p
 --INNER JOIN ancestors a ON a.parentId = p.Id --It was this to go down...
   INNER JOIN ancestors a ON a.Id = p.parentId --Now use this to go up the tree
SELECT Id, Name, ParentId FROM ancestors
于 2013-01-16T09:30:59.113 回答