我正在使用专有的 8051 板来学习汇编编程。我目前正在开发一个 LCD 'Hello World' 程序。这是代码。
lcd_cmd equ 0800h ;Write COMMAND reg address 0800h
lcd_st equ 0801h ;Read STATUS reg address 0801h
lcd_wr equ 0802h ;Write DATA reg address 0802h
lcd_rd equ 0803h ;Read DATA reg address 0803h
ORG 08100h
mov P2, #(lcd_cmd SHR 8) ;load P2 with high address
mov R0, #(lcd_cmd AND 255) ;load R0 with command reg addr
mov R7, #03h ;set LCD position, line=1, char=3
mov dptr, #mesg1 ;point to mesg1
acall wr_string ;write mesg1 to LCD
mov R7, #41h ;set LCD position, line= 2, char=1
mov dptr, #mesg2 ;point to mesg2
acall wr_string ;write mesg2 to LCD
stop: ajmp stop ;soft halt
acall lcd_busy ;wait until LCD not busy
mov a, R7 ;get LCD position
orl a, #080h ;msb set for LCD RAM address
movx @R0, a ;write lcd_cmd to set line & char
acall lcd_busy ;wait until LCD not busy
clr a
movc a, @a+dptr
inc dptr ;point to next byte in string
jz str_end ;if 0 then end of string
mov R1, #(lcd_wr AND 255) ;Load R1 with wr_data address
movx @R1, a ;Write char to LCD
sjmp nxt_char ;get next char in string
str_end: ret
mov R1, #(lcd_st AND 255) ;Load R1 with status address
movx a, @R1 ;read LCD status
jb acc.7, lcd_busy ;keep checking until busy bit clear
mesg1: db "Hello ",0
mesg2: db "World ",0
一切正常。但是,我无法将变量输出到 LCD。将#mesg1 替换为十六进制值(ascii 以保持简单)只会在屏幕上显示乱码。调用一个每次只增加一个值的子例程也是如此,所以我不确定当数据移入 dptr 时数据应该是什么格式。