I have a formatter edit button to edit a row, I defined it in conModel
{name:'HOSTID', index:'HOSTID', width:120, editable: true, editoptions:{size:"15", maxlength:"10"}},
{name:'NAME', index:'NAME', width:250},
{name:'DOCUMENT', index:'DOCUMENT', width:75, editable: true, editoptions:{size:"15", maxlength:"15"}},
{name:'IDMUREX', index:'IDMUREX', width:80, editable: true, editoptions:{size:"15", maxlength:"4"}},
{name:'TYPE', index:'TYPE', width:60, formatter: 'select',
edittype: 'select', align: 'center', editable: true,
editoptions: {value: 'T:<bean:message bundle="mantenimiento" key="titularidad.titularalto"/>;C:<bean:message bundle="mantenimiento" key="titularidad.cotitularalto"/>', defaultValue: ''}},
{name: 'ACTIONS', width:50, fixed:true, sortable:false, search:false, resize:false, formatter:'actions',
editOptions: {
modal: true,
width: 'auto',
closeAfterEdit: true,
closeOnEscape: true,
recreateForm: true
When I click on edit button, I have inline edition on the row, but I need to show the edit form.
How I can do it?