I'm trying to debug a third-party library. I have it's .pdb and sources. I put .pdb near my dlls. When I step-into third-party code for the first time, VS2012 asks where are the sources. I pick the correct file and everything is fine. Now, I'm rebuilding my code with another version of the same third-party lib. I have another version's .pdb and sources. When I step-into, it doesn't ask where are the sources, instead, it just connects to the SAME SOURCES it connected at the first place. I can close the file and open file from new sources, but each time I press F11 to step-into another file, it continues to open files from the old location.


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Visual Studio 会记住您所做的选择并将其存储在解决方案目录中隐藏的 .suo 文件中。你可以编辑它。首先确保解决方案资源管理器窗口显示解决方案名称(类似于“解决方案'名称'(x 项目)”)。如果没有,请使用工具 + 选项、项目和解决方案,勾选“始终显示解决方案”复选框。


于 2013-01-10T14:26:30.287 回答