我正在尝试将 GitLab 4.0 的全新实例安装到 Ubuntu 12.04 服务器上。
我一直遵循https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq/blob/4-0-stable/doc/install/installation.md上的指南,直到第 4 步结束。
当我尝试克隆 gitolite-admin 存储库时,它会失败,如下所示:
root@ws-prod-git-01:/home/git# sudo -u gitlab -H git clone git@localhost:gitolite-admin.git /tmp/gitolite-admin
Cloning into '/tmp/gitolite-admin'...
Warning: Permanently added 'localhost' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
FATAL: parse 'gl-conf' failed: Permission denied
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
我尝试使用 git 用户进行 ssh 登录,但这就是我得到的:
root@ws-prod-git-01:/home/git# ssh -i /home/gitlab/.ssh/id_rsa git@localhost
Warning: Permanently added 'localhost' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
hello gitlab, this is git@ws-prod-git-01 running gitolite3 v3.2-gitlab-patched-0-g2d29cf7 on git
FATAL: parse 'gl-conf' failed: Permission denied
Connection to localhost closed.
# Make sure the repositories dir is owned by git and it stays that way
sudo chmod -R ug+rwXs,o-rwx /home/git/repositories/
sudo chown -R git:git /home/git/repositories/
由于各种原因,我从 NFS 共享挂载了我的 /home。万一发生了什么事,我制作了一个根本不从 NFS 挂载的 VM。使用它,我没有得到 gl-conf 错误。
然后我用 NFS 共享重新创建了 VM,错误再次出现。
请注意,我有一个旧的 Gitlab v2.something 正在运行,它可以很好地与 NFS 共享一起使用。
关于 NFS 将如何影响这一点的任何想法?