我目前正在开发一个使用带有多个子网格的 jqGrid 的项目。当单击或双击行时,我正在尝试获取 rowid(并获取行内的数据)。最终我想用点击行中的数据填充一个文本框。
我在这里使用 ondblClickRow 和 onSelectRow 示例尝试了一些变体,但无法使其正常工作。我想我错过了一些非常简单的东西,但看不到什么。所以我回去并尽可能简化它,只识别行点击并显示警报。这对我也不起作用。
(基于jqGrid 中的示例:问题加载具有本地数据类型的嵌套子网格)在底部附近查找 //*************** 部分..
var myData = [
// main grid data
{ id: "1", col1: "11", col2: "12",
subgrid: [
// data for subgrid for the id=m1
{ id: "1", c1: "aa", c2: "ab", c3: "ac",
subgrid: [
// data for subgrid for the id=m1, subgridId=s1a
{ id: "1", d1: "2aa", d2: "2ab", d3: "2ac" },
{ id: "2", d1: "2ba", d2: "2bb", d3: "2bc" },
{ id: "3", d1: "2ca", d2: "2cb", d3: "2cc" }
{ id: "2", c1: "ba", c2: "bb", c3: "bc" },
{ id: "3", c1: "ca", c2: "cb", c3: "cc" }
{ id: "2", col1: "21", col2: "22",
subgrid: [
// data for subgrid for the id=m2
{ id: "1", c1: "1xx", c2: "1xy", c3: "1xz",
subgrid: [
// data for subgrid for the id=m2, subgridId=s2a
{ id: "1", d1: "2xx", d2: "2xy", d3: "2xz" }
{ id: "3", col1: "31", col2: "32" }
removeSubgridIcon = function () {
var $this = $(this),
idPrefix = $this.jqGrid("getGridParam", "idPrefix");
$this.find(">tbody>tr.jqgrow>td.ui-sgcollapsed").filter(function () {
var rowData = $this.jqGrid("getLocalRow",
$.jgrid.stripPref(idPrefix, $(this).closest("tr.jqgrow").attr("id")));
return rowData.subgrid == null;
isHasSubrids = function (data) {
var l = data.length, i;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
if (data[i].subgrid != null) {
return true;
return false;
specificGridOptions = [
colNames: ["Column 1", "Column 2"],
colModel: [
{ name: "col1" },
{ name: "col2" }
cmTemplate: { width: 200 },
sortname: "col1",
sortorder: "desc",
idPrefix: "s_",
pager: "#pager",
caption: "Demonstrate how to create subgrid from local hierarchical data"
colNames: ["Colunm1", "Colunm2", "Colunm3"],
colModel: [
{ name: "c1" },
{ name: "c2" },
{ name: "c3" }
cmTemplate: { width: 112 },
sortname: "c1",
sortorder: "desc"
colNames: ["Col 1", "Col 2", "Col 3"],
colModel: [
{ name: "d1" },
{ name: "d2" },
{ name: "d3" }
cmTemplate: { width: 90 },
sortname: "d1",
sortorder: "desc"
commonGridOptions = {
datatype: "local",
gridview: true,
rownumbers: true,
autoencode: true,
height: "100%",
onSelectRow : function ()
//also tried many variation on this
ondblClickRow: function(rowid)
loadComplete: function () {
// one can use loadComplete: removeSubgridIcon, but I included
// curent implementation of loadComplete only to show how to call
// removeSubgridIcon from your loadComplete callback handler
subGridRowExpanded: function (subgridDivId, rowId) {
var $subgrid = $("<table id='" + subgridDivId + "_t'></table>"),
subgridLevel = $(this).jqGrid("getGridParam", "subgridLevel") + 1,
parentIdPrefix = $(this).jqGrid("getGridParam", "idPrefix"),
pureRowId = $.jgrid.stripPref(parentIdPrefix, rowId),
localRowData = $(this).jqGrid("getLocalRow", pureRowId);
$subgrid.appendTo("#" + $.jgrid.jqID(subgridDivId));
$subgrid.jqGrid($.extend(true, {}, commonGridOptions, specificGridOptions [subgridLevel], {
data: localRowData.subgrid,
subGrid: isHasSubrids(localRowData.subgrid),
subgridLevel: subgridLevel,
idPrefix: rowId + "_",
rowNum: 10000 // we use this to have no pager in the subgrids
$("#list").jqGrid($.extend(true, {}, commonGridOptions, specificGridOptions[0], {
data: myData,
subgridLevel: 0,
subGrid: isHasSubrids(myData)