[免责声明 - 此代码被简化(很多)以易于阅读,我知道它不符合正常代码标准]
我已经围绕 TaskCompletionSource 等尝试了不同的东西,但恐怕我的理解远远落后于找到(最好)优雅的解决方案。希望你能帮忙。
public class AsyncEventTest
// This is performed one a single (UI) thread. The exception to this is
// a.B that might - at the calling time - get a asycronious update from the backend.
// The update is syncronized into the calling context so Task.Wait etc. will effectivly
// deadlock the flow.
public static string CallMe(A a)
if (a.B.State != State.Ready)
// wait for a.B.State == State.Ready ... but how ...
// await MagicMethod() ???;
// only execute this code after a.b.State == State.Ready
return a.B.Text;
public class A
public B B { get; set; }
public class B
public State State { get; private set; }
public event Action StateChanged;
public string Text { get; }
public enum State { Ready, Working, }
public class AsyncEventTest2
public static string CallMe(A a)
return CallMe1(a).Result;
public async static Task<string> CallMe1(A a)
await CallMe2(a);
return a.B.Text;
public static Task CallMe2(A a)
TaskCompletionSource<string> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();
if (a.B.State != State.Ready)
a.B.StateChanged += () =>
if (a.B.State == State.Ready)
return tcs.Task;