- 拿一台没有安装必要角色和功能的电脑
- 转到添加服务器角色和功能(在服务器管理器中)
- 使用向导添加必要的角色和功能
- 在最后一个屏幕上,在按下“安装”按钮之前,您会注意到“导出配置设置”链接
保存 XML 文件。
获得 XML 文件后,您可以使用下面列出的 PowerShell 脚本来调用“Install-WindowsFeature”cmdlet(Server 2012、2016)。
注意 1:PowerShell 脚本设计用于 Windows Server 2008、2012 和 2016。对于 Windows Server 2008,cmdlet 是 Add-WindowsFeature。
注意 2:PowerShell 脚本假定 XML 文件位于同一文件夹中,并且它的名称在脚本中列出 - 请参阅第 3 行和第 4 行。
Import-Module ServerManager -ErrorAction Stop
$win2k8xml = '.\features-w2k8.xml'
$win2k12xml = '.\RolesAndFeatures.xml'
$minOSVersion = [version] "6.1.7600" # Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM version
$os = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem
$currentVersion = [version]$os.Version
if($currentVersion -lt $minOSVersion)
throw "OS version equal or greater than ${minOSVersion} is required to run this script"
elseif($currentVersion.ToString().substring(0,3) -eq $minOSVersion.ToString().substring(0,3))
If (!(Test-Path $win2k8xml)) {Write-Host "For Windows Server 2008 R2 server make sure that you have Features-W2K8.xml in the current folder" -ForegroundColor Yellow; Pause}
elseif($currentVersion -gt $minOSVersion){
If (!(Test-Path $win2k12xml)) {Write-Host "For Windows Server 2012/2016 make sure that you have RolesAndFeatures.xml in the current folder" -ForegroundColor Yellow; Pause}
$OSVersionName = (get-itemproperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name ProductName).ProductName
Write-Host "Your OS version is:$OSVersionName" -ForegroundColor Green
$defaultComputerName = $env:computername
$ComputerName = Read-Host "Computername (Press Enter for current computer - $defaultComputerName)"
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ComputerName))
$ComputerName = $defaultComputerName;
Write-host "Installation will take place on the following computers: $ComputerName"
function Invoke-WindowsFeatureBatchDeployment {
param (
[string] $ComputerName,
[string] $ConfigurationFilePath
# Deploy the features on multiple computers simultaneously.
$jobs = @()
if(Test-Connection -ComputerName $ComputerName -Quiet){
Write-Host "Connection succeeded to: " $ComputerName
if ($currentVersion.ToString().substring(0,3) -eq $minOSVersion.ToString().substring(0,3)) {
$jobs += Start-Job -Command {
#Add-WindowsFeature -ConfigurationFilePath $using:ConfigurationFilePath -ComputerName $using:ComputerName -Restart
$import = Import-Clixml $using:ConfigurationFilePath
$import | Add-WindowsFeature
elseif ($currentVersion -gt $minOSVersion) {
$jobs += Start-Job -Command {
Install-WindowsFeature -ConfigurationFilePath $using:ConfigurationFilePath -ComputerName $using:ComputerName -Restart
Write-Host "Configuration failed for: "+ $ComputerName + "! Check computer name and execute again"
Receive-Job -Job $jobs -Wait | Select-Object Success, RestartNeeded, ExitCode, FeatureResult
if ($currentVersion.ToString().substring(0,3) -eq $minOSVersion.ToString().substring(0,3)) {$FilePath = Resolve-Path $win2k8xml}
elseif ($currentVersion -gt $minOSVersion) {$FilePath = Resolve-Path $win2k12xml}
Invoke-WindowsFeatureBatchDeployment $ComputerName $FilePath