我正在编写一个 DrawItem 覆盖方法来修改应用程序,因此 ComboBox DropDowns 中的文本都使用 pDC->DrawText 函数将 DT_SINGLELINE|DT_VCENTER 解析为最终参数居中。我目前遇到的问题是我可以在 DropDown 中重复第一个值,但我想要在 DropDown 中显示的所有值的列表。

我不确定这里是否存在与应用程序中的其他控件一样的基本缺陷,例如在调用 DrawItem 覆盖时似乎填充了 ListCtr lpDrawItemStruct->itemData。但是对于 ComboBox lpDrawItemStruct->itemData 的情况,它显示为空。


void CFCDropDown::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC) ;
int nSavedDC = pDC->SaveDC();

//I can't use the following because at this stage lpDrawItemStruct->itemData doesn't contain anything   
//LPCTSTR lpszText = (LPCTSTR)lpDrawItemStruct->itemData ;

//I do however have access to a member variable that contains the list of items I want in the drop down
//m_strListEntry contains a CString of format "ONE;TWO;THREE;FOUR;FIVE;SIX"
CString strFieldValue = m_strListEntry ;

int noOfItems  = GetCount();
CString item;

int iStartPos = 0;
int iFirstDelimiter = 0;
iFirstDelimiter = m_strListEntry.Find(LISTDELIMITER,iStartPos);

int i = iFirstDelimiter + 1;

int iStrLen = strFieldValue.GetLength();
int iNewLen = iStrLen - ++iFirstDelimiter;

item = strFieldValue.Left(i -1) ;

LPCTSTR lpszText = (LPCTSTR)item ;

//At the moment I'm getting "ONE" repeated 6 times. I want a list of all the values displayed in the DropDown. 
pDC->DrawText(lpszText, strlen(lpszText), &lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem, DT_SINGLELINE|DT_VCENTER) ;

pDC->RestoreDC( nSavedDC ); 

1 回答 1


看起来您不使用lpDrawItemStruct->itemID但总是从m_strListEntry. lpDrawItemStruct->itemID包含当前正在绘制的项目。

附带说明一下,我建议CString m_strListEntryCStringArray m_arrListEntry. 在这种情况下,提取项目将只是一行代码:

CString item = m_arrListEntry[lpDrawItemStruct->itemID];
于 2013-01-10T03:38:05.767 回答