* General Notes
* =============
* A common scenario for a supply method is to aquire key
* informations from the parameter <parent_element> and then
* to invoke a data provider.
* A free navigation thru the context, especially to nodes on
* the same or deeper hierachical level is strongly discouraged,
* because such a strategy may easily lead to unresolvable
* situations!!
** data declaration
* DATA lt_nod TYPE wd_this->Elements_nod.
* DATA ls_nod LIKE LINE OF lt_nod.
** @TODO compute values
** e.g. call a data providing **FuBa**
我了解浏览具有相关供应功能但尚未初始化的节点的危险 - 这基本上会导致死锁。
我想知道什么是FuBa或数据提供者以及如何使用它 - 我发现的所有示例都只以微不足道的方式为节点提供数据,而不是解决这个问题。