I used fontsquirrel generator to generate font-face contents for Thonburi and Thonburi bold fonts. They display fine in English, but not in Cyrillic (Russian). Instead the site displays Times New Roman as default fallback font. I used advanced settings to specifically include cyrillic characters in font files. Kindly check: http://www.mastersofbackgammon.net/site/index_ru.html You can even see that Latin characters are displayed in Thonburi, while Russian is TNR.

It displays fine in English version: http://www.mastersofbackgammon.net/site

Do you have any ideas what could be the root of this problem and how to resolve this?

It displays fine at home, but there I have the fonts installed on Windows. Whenever I open site for the first time on another computer, the RU version gets the Times New Roman font and not Thonburi.


1 回答 1


页面上指定的 Thonburi 和 Thonburi Bold 字体没有西里尔字母(我使用 OTMaster Light 进行了检查)。这解释了为什么西里尔字母使用后备字体显示,默认情况下通常是 Times New Roman。

要使用FontSquirrel 生成器生成足够的字体文件,请选择“专家...”,然后在“子集”中,选择“自定义子集”和所需语言或“无子集”。“基本子集”中的默认设置,仅包括“西方语言”!

PS 这个问题最初是因为在某些情况下字体在西里尔文中显示不正确而被问到的,因为“过于本地化”而被关闭。所以我复制了我的答案和添加的评论。

PS2。它在家工作的原因是 CSS 代码包含src: local(Thonburi), url("fonts/thonburi-webfont.ttf"),优先选择本地安装的字体,显然也包含西里尔字母。

于 2013-01-09T11:30:04.297 回答