使用 vb.net 设置拒绝访问特定文件夹。在这里我附上了我的代码。但是在我的代码中出现错误,例如从字符串到类型 long 的隐蔽是无效的
Dim ds1 As New TdeskTableAdapters.proc_checkuserrightsTableAdapter
Dim dt1 As Tdesk.proc_checkuserrightsDataTable = ds1.GetData(ecode)
For Each r1 As DataRow In dt1.Rows
reqrights = r1("fld_reqrights").ToString
approv_rights = r1("fld_approval").ToString
If approv_rights = "n" Or approv_rights = "N" Then
Dim FolderPath As String = "D:\Account\HA\" 'Specify the folder here
Dim UserAccount As String = mailid \ pwd
Dim FolderInfo As IO.DirectoryInfo = New IO.DirectoryInfo(FolderPath)
Dim FolderAcl As New DirectorySecurity
FolderAcl.AddAccessRule(New FileSystemAccessRule(UserAccount, FileSystemRights.FullControl, InheritanceFlags.ContainerInherit Or InheritanceFlags.ObjectInherit, PropagationFlags.None, AccessControlType.Deny))
'FolderAcl.SetAccessRuleProtection(True, False) 'uncomment to remove existing permissions
End If
getting error in this line
Dim UserAccount As String = mailid \ pwd error mentioned in the above