const PHP = {
stdClass: function() {},
stringify(val) {
const hash = new Map([[Infinity, "d:INF;"], [-Infinity, "d:-INF;"], [NaN, "d:NAN;"], [null, "N;"], [undefined, "N;"]]);
const utf8length = str => str ? encodeURI(str).match(/(%.)?./g).length : 0;
const serializeString = (s,delim='"') => `${utf8length(s)}:${delim[0]}${s}${delim[delim.length-1]}`;
let ref = 0;
function serialize(val, canReference = true) {
if (hash.has(val)) return hash.get(val);
ref += canReference;
if (typeof val === "string") return `s:${serializeString(val)};`;
if (typeof val === "number") return `${Math.round(val) === val ? "i" : "d"}:${(""+val).toUpperCase().replace(/(-?\d)E/, "$1.0E")};`;
if (typeof val === "boolean") return `b:${+val};`;
const a = Array.isArray(val) || val.constructor === Object;
hash.set(val, `${"rR"[+a]}:${ref};`);
if (typeof val.serialize === "function") {
return `C:${serializeString(}:${serializeString(val.serialize(), "{}")}`;
const vals = Object.entries(val).filter(([k, v]) => typeof v !== "function");
return (a ? "a" : `O:${serializeString(}`)
+ `:${vals.length}:{${[k, v]) => serialize(a && /^\d{1,16}$/.test(k) ? +k : k, false) + serialize(v)).join("")}}`;
return serialize(val);
// Provide in second argument the classes that may be instantiated
// e.g. { MyClass1, MyClass2 }
parse(str, allowedClasses = {}) {
allowedClasses.stdClass = PHP.stdClass; // Always allowed.
let offset = 0;
const values = [null];
const specialNums = { "INF": Infinity, "-INF": -Infinity, "NAN": NaN };
const kick = (msg, i = offset) => { throw new Error(`Error at ${i}: ${msg}\n${str}\n${" ".repeat(i)}^`) }
const read = (expected, ret) => expected === str.slice(offset, offset+=expected.length) ? ret
: kick(`Expected '${expected}'`, offset-expected.length);
function readMatch(regex, msg, terminator=";") {
const match = regex.exec(str.slice(offset));
if (!match) kick(`Exected ${msg}, but got '${str.slice(offset).match(/^[:;{}]|[^:;{}]*/)[0]}'`);
offset += match[0].length;
return read(terminator, match[0]);
function readUtf8chars(numUtf8Bytes, terminator="") {
const i = offset;
while (numUtf8Bytes > 0) {
const code = str.charCodeAt(offset++);
numUtf8Bytes -= code < 0x80 ? 1 : code < 0x800 || code>>11 === 0x1B ? 2 : 3;
return numUtf8Bytes ? kick("Invalid string length", i-2) : read(terminator, str.slice(i, offset));
const create = className => !className ? {}
: allowedClasses[className] ? Object.create(allowedClasses[className].prototype)
: new {[className]: function() {} }[className]; // Create a mock class for this name
const readBoolean = () => readMatch(/^[01]/, "a '0' or '1'", ";");
const readInt = () => +readMatch(/^-?\d+/, "an integer", ";");
const readUInt = terminator => +readMatch(/^\d+/, "an unsigned integer", terminator);
const readString = (terminator="") => readUtf8chars(readUInt(':"'), '"'+terminator);
function readDecimal() {
const num = readMatch(/^-?(\d+(\.\d+)?(E[+-]\d+)?|INF)|NAN/, "a decimal number", ";");
return num in specialNums ? specialNums[num] : +num;
function readKey() {
const typ = str[offset++];
return typ === "s" ? readString(";")
: typ === "i" ? readUInt(";")
: kick("Expected 's' or 'i' as type for a key, but got ${str[offset-1]}", offset-1);
function readObject(obj) {
for (let i = 0, length = readUInt(":{"); i < length; i++) obj[readKey()] = readValue();
return read("}", obj);
function readArray() {
const obj = readObject({});
return Object.keys(obj).some((key, i) => key != i) ? obj : Object.values(obj);
function readCustomObject(obj) {
if (typeof obj.unserialize !== "function") kick(`Instance of ${} does not have an "unserialize" method`);
return read("}", obj);
function readValue() {
const typ = str[offset++].toLowerCase();
const ref = values.push(null)-1;
const val = typ === "n" ? read(";", null)
: typ === "s" ? readString(";")
: typ === "b" ? readBoolean()
: typ === "i" ? readInt()
: typ === "d" ? readDecimal()
: typ === "a" ? readArray() // Associative array
: typ === "o" ? readObject(create(readString())) // Object
: typ === "c" ? readCustomObject(create(readString())) // Custom serialized object
: typ === "r" ? values[readInt()] // Backreference
: kick(`Unexpected type ${typ}`, offset-1);
if (typ !== "r") values[ref] = val;
return val;
const val = readValue();
if (offset !== str.length) kick("Unexpected trailing character");
return val;
/**************** EXAMPLE USES ************************/
// Unserialize a sequential array
// Unserialize an associative array into an object
// Example with class that has custom serialize function:
var MyClass = (function () {
const priv = new WeakMap(); // This is a way to implement private properties in ES6
return class MyClass {
constructor() {
priv.set(this, "");
this.wordCount = 0;
unserialize(serialised) {
const words = PHP.parse(serialised);
priv.set(this, words);
this.wordCount = words.split(" ").length;
serialize() {
return PHP.stringify(priv.get(this));
// Unserialise a PHP string that needs the above class to work, and will call its unserialize method
// The class needs to be passed as object key/value as second argument, so to allow this side effect to happen:
console.log(PHP.parse('C:7:"MyClass":23:{s:15:"My private data";}', { MyClass } ));