* Functional implementation of bubble sort
* sort function swaps each element in the given list and create new list and iterate the same operation for length of the list times.
* sort function takes three parameters
* a) iteration list -> this is used to track the iteration. after each iteration element is dropped so that sort function exists the iteration list is empty
* b) source list -> this is source list taken for element wise sorting
* c) result -> stores the element as it get sorted and at end of each iteration, it will be the source for next sort iteration
object Test extends App {
def bubblesort(source: List[Int]) : List[Int] = {
def sort(iteration: List[Int], source: List[Int] , result: List[Int]) : List[Int]= source match {
case h1 :: h2 :: rest => if(h1 > h2) sort(iteration, h1 :: rest, result :+ h2) else sort(iteration, h2 :: rest, result :+ h1)
case l:: Nil => sort(iteration, Nil, result :+ l)
case Nil => if(iteration.isEmpty) return result else sort(iteration.dropRight(1), result, Nil )
//List(1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 7, 9, 15, 17, 224, 225)