我正在尝试用 C 制作一个 ascii 俄罗斯方块。
char** InitTetris( int size_x , int size_y )
InitTetris allocates memory for the tetris array.
This function should be called only once at the beginning of the game.
int i;
char** tetris = NULL;
//Allocate memory
tetris = ( char** ) malloc ( size_x * sizeof ( char* ) );
for ( i = 0 ; i < size_x ; i++ )
tetris[i] = ( char* ) malloc ( size_y * sizeof ( char ) );
return tetris;
}//End of InitTetris
void ExitTetris ( char** tetris , int size_y )
This function is called once at the end of the game to
free the memory allocated for the tetris array.
int i;
//Free memory
for ( i = 0 ; i < size_y ; i++ )
free( tetris[i] );
free( tetris );
}//End of ExitTetris
void NewGame()
char** tetris; /* Array that contains the game board */
int size_x , size_y; /* Size of tetris array */
//Initialize tetris array
tetris = InitTetris( size_x , size_y );
//Do stuff.....
//Free tetris array
ExitTetris( tetris , size_y );
}//End of NewGame