我意识到更改 Git 存储库的名称并非易事,并且我阅读了这个问题的答案,其中描述了在一般情况下如何更改存储库名称(我也在使用 GitHub)。

但是,我只会更改存储库名称的大小写,例如Abc更改为abc. 因此,我可以简单地在 GitHub 上我的存储库的设置页面中更改名称并进行设置吗?还是我仍然需要按照上一个链接中概述的步骤进行操作?


1 回答 1


After experimenting a bit, I found that you cannot simply change the repository name in the settings page. The steps from the link in the body of the question must still be followed. Although in my case it was as simple as:

git remote set-url origin https://github.com/username/newreponame.git
于 2013-01-08T23:38:57.893 回答