I have a form which is largely populated by checkboxes. The checkboxes each have an ID "value" that corresponds to an item within a javascript array. The array items hold some text that will populate a textarea.

I would like to include some dropdown boxes to clean up the site; however, I cannot seem to assign an array ID to the dropdown options? Can this be done in a selectbox option? Is there a workaround to simulate a selectbox without using the tab?

My html is basically:

    <input type=checkbox id=array1 name=textArray></input>
    <input type=checkbox id=array1 name=textArray></input>
    <input type=checkbox id=array1 name=textArray></input>
    <select><option 1><option 2>...</select>
    <textarea id=outPut></textarea>

And my js is:

var textArray = {

array1: 'some text here',
array2: 'some more text',
array3: 'some other text',
array90: 'the last text'


// variable assigned to chosen item
var selectedInputs = document.getElementsByName("textArray");
for (var i = 0; i < selectedInputs.length; i++) {
    selectedInputs[i].onchange = function() {
        chosenItem = this;
// Script to add items to the Comments section text area
var mytextbox = document.getElementById('outPut');
var chosenItem = null;

function printText(){
    if(chosenItem !== null){
       mytextbox.value += textArray[chosenItem.id] + "";
        // resets the radio box values after output is displayed
        chosenItem.checked = false;
        // resets these variables to the null state
        chosenItem = null;

How can I associate an item in my js array with one of the selectbox choices?


2 回答 2




var selectNode = document.getElementById('select'); // <select id="select">
selectNode.onchange = function () {
  if (selectNode.selectedIndex !== 0) {
    chosenItem = selectNode.options[selectNode.selectedIndex];
    selectNode.selectedIndex = 0;



于 2013-01-08T19:25:49.390 回答

<option value="whatever">1</option>这从一开始就是 HTML 的一部分。

于 2013-01-08T19:10:53.983 回答