有谁知道我如何编写一个递归函数来获取无符号整数 x, y 并返回 C 中从 0,0 到点 x,y 的路径数?

每次只有一步:向上或向右。步数的限制在矩形内:(0,0), (0, x), (0,y), (x,y)


2 回答 2



function path($x, $y){
    if($x==0 && $y==0){ /* && is logical AND operator */
        return 1;
    // here's first (and only) edge case. If X and Y is 0, that means were are already where we want to be. We assume there's one path from the position you are on to the same position you are on.


        $count+=path($x-1, $y); // Here, we ask how many paths go from position (x-1, y) to zero, if the X is not zero already..
        $count+=path($x, $y-1); // here same stuff for Y, if Y is not zero, let's recurse into (x, y-1)

    return $count; // in those conditions above, the result is added into COUNT variable

$y=4; // some input

print path($x, $y); // here it all starts, with the original input numbers

它背后没有数学,它是一个递归。在 path() 函数的每次运行中,path 函数都会运行 path 函数的另一个实例,然后运行另一个实例,然后运行另一个实例。... 位置总是比当前位置小一,在一个维度上,然后在一个维度上小一个另一个维度。仅当递归已经到达 (0,0) 位置时,它才会返回 1,该值将添加到前一个实例中的 count 变量中,该值将添加到前一个实例中的 count 变量中,依此类推,直到它返回给打印函数。

注意:函数不是从 (0,0) 到 (x,y) 而是从 (x,y) 到 (0,0)。但结果是一样的。

于 2013-01-08T13:06:18.603 回答


 * Compute the number of ways you can get from 0,0 to x,y
 * @param x grid width
 * @param y grid height
 * @return number of lattice paths
public long compute(int x, int y) {
    // there's only 1 way you can reach a point which is on some edge
    if (x == 0 || y == 0) {
        return 1;
    /* Otherwise apply back recursion, i.e. take the last step (when you reach x,y) :
    you can get there only by moving from x-1,y (right) or from x,y-1 (up).
    So the result would be the number of ways you can get to x-1,y plus the number 
    of ways you can get to x,y-1 */
    return compute(x - 1, y) + compute(x, y - 1);

随着网格面积的增长(x 和 y),算法变得非常慢,因为由于递归,您多次计算相同的值,因此您可能需要缓存:

Map<Pair, Long> cache = new HashMap<>();

public long compute(int x, int y) {
    Pair pair = new Pair(x, y);
    if (cache.containsKey(pair)) {
        return cache.get(pair);
    if (x == 0 || y == 0) {
        return 1;
    long result = compute(x - 1, y) + compute(x, y - 1);
    cache.put(pair, result);
    return result;

Pair 是一个遵循equals() 和 hashCode() Contract的简单 POJO 。

于 2016-03-01T00:41:02.453 回答