I want to list all the nodes that are connected to a node that I rollover with a mouse in a text field, been trying to use the filter function and it sort of does what I need since it affects the stroke width of the linked objects but I'd like to also output the node names too.
.on("mouseover", function(da) {
link.filter(function(db) { return da.group == db.groupColor; })
.style("stroke-width", 8);
selectedText.text("Currently Selected: "+da.name+"is connecting to sensors: "+link.filter(function(db) { return da.group == db.groupColor; }) );
right now I am getting an output of "bike brian is connected to sensors: [object svgline element]"
but what I want is to be able to return all the names of the other nodes... does that make sense? so that it might say "bike brian is connected to sensors: accelerometer, gps, etc..."