I am using jqgrid to show dynamic data in it, my sql stored procedure returns some data as "T & E". I am displaying this data in group header, i can only see "T" in the group header the rest of the data is trimmed down in IE 7/8. The same thing when i run it in Firefox it show correctly as "T & E". Please tell me the solution for this problem, any help would be appreciated.

I have tried the autoencode property setting it to true, but it did not work, I have kept the meta tag character encoding utf-8 in the aspx file.


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//In col Model 
//Assuming description is one of your column in the jqGrid
//Note the formatter , this is the custom formatter which does the magic for us in this case.
{ name: 'Description', index: 'Description', align: "center", sorttype: 'text', sortable: true, resizable: false, editable: editGrids, formatter: formatTextDisplay,unformat:unformatTextDisplay}

//Formatter code
var formatTextDisplay = function (cellval, opts, action) {
            if (cellval) {
                return $.jgrid.htmlEncode(cellval);
            return "";

//Un formatter code, in case you want to read through the text in its original state from the grid for processing in the javascript file.
var unformatTextDisplay = function (cellval, opts, action) {
            if (cellval) {
                return $.jgrid.htmlDecode(cellval);
            return "";
于 2013-02-11T12:50:47.437 回答