I am now researing for a couple of hours and can not get any solution... on my local webserver everything works fine. But on the live server it does not work. The website is 1:1 the same.

My Problem is: if a user is logged in and wants to edit his profile, he will get a dropdownlist of all the timezones, so he can select his preferred timezone. The default select item should be blank but instead there is as follow:

<option value="JOPTION_USE_DEFAULT">- Use Default -</option>

on my local server is looks as follow:

<option value=>- Use Default -</option>

The problem with that is, that it will store JOPTION_USE_DEFAULT into my database on the live server (on my local server it works perfectly). When you will go back to yoour profile, Joomla wants to convert JOPTION_USE_DEFAULT back to a timezone, which of course does not exist... so I will get an error page.

I saw that there is no default timezone set on the live server in the php.ini, but I do not have access to the php.ini file, so I tried with a .htaccess solution, which di not make any difference: php_value date.timezone "Europe/Zurich".


1 回答 1


我认为您的 profile.xml / frontend.xml 文件有问题。(我不明白你在哪里编辑)。

选项值应该是 "" 而不是 JOPTION_USE_DEFAULT。

<option value="">JOPTION_USE_DEFAULT</option>


<option value=>- Use Default -</option>

这不是 HTML 的有效语法。

于 2013-01-08T11:08:08.517 回答