
所以我想要的结果是每个文档的所有条款和 TF-IDF 的数量。

请为我建议一些示例代码。谢谢 :)


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首先是获取文件列表。另一种方法可能是遍历索引项,但该方法IndexReader.terms()似乎已从 4.0 中删除(尽管它存在于 中AtomicReader,这可能值得一看)。我知道获取所有文档的最佳方法是简单地按文档 ID 遍历文档:

//where reader is your IndexReader, however you go about opening/managing it
for (int i=0; i<reader.maxDoc(); i++) {
    if (reader.isDeleted(i))
    //operate on the document with id = i ...


String field;
FieldsEnum fieldsiterator;
TermsEnum termsiterator;
//To Simplify, you can rely on DefaultSimilarity to calculate tf and idf for you.
DefaultSimilarity freqcalculator = new DefaultSimilarity()
//numDocs and maxDoc are not the same thing:
int numDocs = reader.numDocs();
int maxDoc = reader.maxDoc();

for (int i=0; i<maxDoc; i++) {
    if (reader.isDeleted(i))
    fieldsiterator = reader.getTermVectors(i).iterator();
    while (field = fieldsiterator.next()) {
        termsiterator = fieldsiterator.terms().iterator();
        while (terms.next()) {
            //id = document id, field = field name
            //String representations of the current term
            String termtext = termsiterator.term().utf8ToString();
            //Get idf, using docfreq from the reader.
            //I haven't tested this, and I'm not quite 100% sure of the context of this method.
            //If it doesn't work, idfalternate below should.
            int idf = termsiterator.docfreq();
            int idfalternate = freqcalculator.idf(reader.docFreq(field, termsiterator.term()), numDocs);
于 2013-01-08T17:25:02.300 回答