对于以下部分 HTML,我正在尝试检索文本“进行研究......找到治疗方法!” <br>
通过 Nokogiri 在两个标签之间。
<b>Multiple Sclerosis National Research Institute</b><br>
<!-- <b>CFC Code: 12135</b><br /> ***** This is edited by Anas -->
<a href="http://www.ms-research.org" target="_blank">http://www.ms-research.org</a><br>
Conducts research towards understanding, treating and halting the progression of multiple sclerosis and related diseases. Current research progress is promising. Please help us find cures!<br>
<a href="/ntn/charities/view.aspx?record_id=510">Click here for more info</a><br><br>
and :url
url = "https://www.neighbortonation.org/ntn/charities/home.aspx"
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
doc.css("#site-pagecontent table table td").each do |item|
name = item.at_css("b").text unless item.at_css("b").blank?
url = item.at_css("a")[:href] unless item.at_css("a").blank?
标签之间的文本时遇到了困难。我尝试了通过使用 Nokogiri 在 <br> 标签之间提取的建议?但这似乎不起作用。有任何想法吗?我应该使用 xpath、搜索还是正则表达式?