我有一个 AuthService,它登录一个用户,它返回一个用户 json 对象。我想要做的是设置该对象并在应用程序中反映所有更改(登录/注销状态),而无需刷新页面。
我将如何使用 AngularJS 完成此任务?
我有一个 AuthService,它登录一个用户,它返回一个用户 json 对象。我想要做的是设置该对象并在应用程序中反映所有更改(登录/注销状态),而无需刷新页面。
我将如何使用 AngularJS 完成此任务?
app.factory( 'AuthService', function() {
var currentUser;
return {
login: function() { ... },
logout: function() { ... },
isLoggedIn: function() { ... },
currentUser: function() { return currentUser; }
app.controller( 'MainCtrl', function( $scope, AuthService ) {
$scope.$watch( AuthService.isLoggedIn, function ( isLoggedIn ) {
$scope.isLoggedIn = isLoggedIn;
$scope.currentUser = AuthService.currentUser();
我会修改 Josh 的良好响应,补充一点,因为 AuthService 通常会引起任何人的兴趣(例如,如果没有人登录,除了登录视图之外的任何人都应该消失),也许更简单的替代方法是使用$rootScope.$broadcast('loginStatusChanged', isLoggedIn);
(1 ) (2),而相关方(例如控制者)会使用$scope.$on('loginStatusChanged', function (event, isLoggedIn) { $scope.isLoggedIn = isLoggedIn; }
(2) Note that, in the likely case of a asynchronous login operation, you'll want to notify Angular that the broadcast will change things, by including it in a $rootScope.$apply()
Now, speaking of keeping the user context in every/many controllers, you might not be happy listening for login changes in everyone of them, and might prefer to listen only in a topmost login controller, then adding other login-aware controllers as children/embedded controllers of this one. This way, the children controller will be able to see the inherited parent $scope properties such as your user context.