如何获取所有正在运行的 Visual Studio 实例以便进行自动化操作?



3 回答 3



我不认为你能做得比这更好。它类似于将调试器附加到 VS 实例的方式。您必须从列表中选择一个。

IEnumerable<DTE> GetInstances()
    IRunningObjectTable rot;
    IEnumMoniker enumMoniker;
    int retVal = GetRunningObjectTable(0, out rot);

    if (retVal == 0)
        rot.EnumRunning(out enumMoniker);

        IntPtr fetched = IntPtr.Zero;
        IMoniker[] moniker = new IMoniker[1];
        while (enumMoniker.Next(1, moniker, fetched) == 0)
            IBindCtx bindCtx;
            CreateBindCtx(0, out bindCtx);
            string displayName;
            moniker[0].GetDisplayName(bindCtx, null, out displayName);
            Console.WriteLine("Display Name: {0}", displayName);
            bool isVisualStudio = displayName.StartsWith("!VisualStudio");
            if (isVisualStudio)
               object obj;
               rot.GetObject(moniker[0], out obj);
               var dte = obj as DTE;
               yield return dte;

private static extern void CreateBindCtx(int reserved, out IBindCtx ppbc);

private static extern int GetRunningObjectTable(int reserved, out IRunningObjectTable prot);
于 2013-01-07T23:32:43.957 回答

下面是 VB.Net 获取当前 Visual Studio 实例的解决方案。

我所做的是与使用当前程序集名称进行调试的进程进行简单的字符串比较。当打开多个 VS 实例时,它似乎按预期工作,我在 Visual Studio 2013 中以调试和发布模式进行了尝试。


Imports System
Imports System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes
Imports EnvDTE80



''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Returns a pointer to an implementation of <see cref="IBindCtx"/> (a bind context object).
''' <para></para>
''' This object stores information about a particular moniker-binding operation.
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <remarks>
''' <see href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms678542%28v=vs.85%29.aspx"/>
''' </remarks>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <param name="reserved">
''' This parameter is reserved and must be 0.
''' </param>
''' <param name="ppbc">
''' Address of an <see cref="IBindCtx"/> pointer variable that receives the 
''' interface pointer to the new bind context object.
''' <para></para>
''' When the function is successful, the caller is responsible for calling Release on the bind context.
''' <para></para>
''' A value of <see langword="Nothing"/> for the <paramref name="ppbc"/> value indicates that an error occurred.
''' </param>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <returns>
''' This function can return the standard return values <c>E_OUTOFMEMORY</c> and <c>S_OK</c>.
''' </returns>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Interoperability", "CA1401:PInvokesShouldNotBeVisible", justification:="Assembly Reference")>
Public Shared Function CreateBindCtx(ByVal reserved As Integer,
                                     ByRef ppbc As IBindCtx
) As Integer
End Function

''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Returns a pointer to the <see cref="IRunningObjectTable"/> interface on the local running object table (ROT).
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <remarks>
''' <see href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms684004%28v=vs.85%29.aspx"/>
''' </remarks>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <param name="reserved">
''' This parameter is reserved and must be 0.
''' </param>
''' <param name="pprot">
''' The address of an <see cref="IRunningObjectTable"/> pointer variable that receives the 
''' interface pointer to the local ROT.
''' <para></para>
''' When the function is successful, the caller is responsible for calling Release on the interface pointer.
''' <para></para>
''' A value of <see langword="Nothing"/> for the <paramref name="pprot"/> value indicates that an error occurred.
''' </param>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <returns>
''' This function can return the standard return values <c>E_UNEXPECTED</c> and <c>S_OK</c>.
''' </returns>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Interoperability", "CA1401:PInvokesShouldNotBeVisible", justification:="Assembly Reference")>
Public Shared Function GetRunningObjectTable(ByVal reserved As Integer,
                                             ByRef pprot As IRunningObjectTable
) As Integer
End Function


''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Gets a collection of the Visual Studio instances that are running on this PC.
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <returns>
''' An <see cref="IEnumerable(Of DTE2)"/> that contains the running Visual Studio instances, if any.
''' </returns>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Shared Iterator Function GetVisualStudioInstances() As IEnumerable(Of DTE2)

    Dim rot As IRunningObjectTable = Nothing
    Dim enumMoniker As IEnumMoniker = Nothing
    Dim retVal As Integer = NativeMethods.GetRunningObjectTable(0, rot)

    If (retVal = 0) Then


        Dim fetched As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
        Dim moniker As IMoniker() = New IMoniker(0) {}

        While (enumMoniker.Next(1, moniker, fetched) = 0)

            Dim bindCtx As IBindCtx = Nothing
            NativeMethods.CreateBindCtx(0, bindCtx)

            Dim displayName As String = ""
            moniker(0).GetDisplayName(bindCtx, Nothing, displayName)

            If (displayName.StartsWith("!VisualStudio")) Then
                Dim obj As New Object
                rot.GetObject(moniker(0), obj)
                Yield DirectCast(obj, DTE2)
            End If

        End While

    End If

End Function

''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Gets a <see cref="DTE2"/> object that represents the current Visual Studio instance that is running this project.
''' </summary>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <returns>
''' A <see cref="DTE2"/> object that represents the current Visual Studio instance that is running this project.
''' </returns>
''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Shared Function GetCurrentVisualStudioInstance() As DTE2

    Dim currentInstance As DTE2 = Nothing
    Dim processName As String = Process.GetCurrentProcess.MainModule.FileName
    Dim instances As IEnumerable(Of DTE2) = GetVisualStudioInstances

    For Each instance As DTE2 In instances

        For Each p As EnvDTE.Process In instance.Debugger.DebuggedProcesses

            If (p.Name = processName) Then
                currentInstance = instance
                Exit For
            End If

        Next p

    Next instance

    Return currentInstance

End Function
于 2015-11-23T16:09:51.107 回答

Powershell 5.1 示例,除了 Visual Studio 2019 没有安装,没有导入等。


于 2022-02-06T04:15:53.373 回答