我有一个带有文本字段的 VF 页面表单。此文本字段的值与现有机会自定义字段进行比较。如果此文本字段的值存在于商机中,我会继续创建新记录。

一切正常,除非我创建了 Apex 测试类。



这是我得到的错误:错误:编译错误:字段不可写:Opportunity.Deal_Registration_ID__c 在第 9 行第 103 列

下面是我的 Apex 课程。



干杯! 隆美尔

public with sharing class VaultVF {

public Vault__c vault {get; set;}
public List<String> errorMsgs {get; set;}
public String saveResult {get; set;}
public String dealReg {get; set;}
public String oppId {get; set;}
public String email {get; set;}
public Boolean scenario1{get; set;}
public Boolean scenario2{get; set;}
public Boolean scenario3{get; set;}

// Generates country dropdown from country settings 

public List<SelectOption> getCountriesSelectList() {
    List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
    options.add(new SelectOption('', '-- Select One --'));        

    // Find all the countries in the custom setting 

    Map<String, Country__c> countries = Country__c.getAll();

    // Sort them by name 

    List<String> countryNames = new List<String>();

    // Create the Select Options. 

    for (String countryName : countryNames) {
        Country__c country = countries.get(countryName);
        options.add(new SelectOption(country.Two_Letter_Code__c, country.Name));
    return options;

//Constructor, set defaults
public VaultVF(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {

    vault = (vault__c)controller.getRecord();

    //Populate list of random characters for CAPTCHA verification
    characters = new List<String>{'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h',

    errorMsgs = new List<String>();


//Determine if page has error so errors message can be displayed
public boolean getHasErrors(){
    if(ApexPages.hasMessages() == true){
        if(errorMsgs == null){
            errorMsgs = new List<String>();             

        //Loop through errors and add to a list
        for(ApexPages.Message m : ApexPages.getMessages()){
            if(m.getSummary().startsWith('Uh oh.')){
    return ApexPages.hasMessages();     

public void save(){
    errorMsgs = new List<String>();

    //Make sure captcha was correct
    if(validateCAPTCHA() == false){
        errorMsgs.add('Verification code was incorrect.');
        captchaInput = '';

    //Make sure the Scenario is selected        
    if(scenario1 == true){
        vault.Scenario__c = 'BIG-IP as a Firewall';
    }else if(scenario2 == true){
        vault.Scenario__c = 'BIG-IP providing firewall service in conjunction with other vendors';
    }else if(scenario3 == true){
        vault.Scenario__c = 'BIG-IP front ending Firewalls';
        if(vault.Load_Balancer_is_a_Firewall__c == null){
           errorMsgs.add('Please specify if the load balancer is a firewall.');
        if(vault.Providing_DDos_Connection__c == null){
           errorMsgs.add('Please specify if this is providing DDos connection level protection for firewalls or both.');
        if(vault.Providing_DDos_protection_except_ASM__c == null){
           errorMsgs.add('Please specify if we are providing DDos protection (except ASM).');
        if(vault.No_Traffic_Traverse__c == null){
           errorMsgs.add('Please specify if there is Traffic that does not traverse the Firewalls.');
        if(vault.Firewall_Vendor_Name__c == null){
           errorMsgs.add('Please specify a Firewall Vendor.');
    } else {
        errorMsgs.add('Please select one of three Scenarios that is similar to your setup');

    //-----Need to make sure deal registration number on opportuntiy is valid.-----

    //Set some sort of is valid deal reg flag to false. We will assume the deal reg Id entered is invalid until we determine it is valid
    vault.isValidDealReg__c = false;

    //Query Account Id, and Deal_Registration_Id__c from the opportunity object where the deal registration Id equals the value entered in the form
    List<Opportunity> opps = [select Id, Deal_Registration_ID__c from Opportunity where Deal_Registration_ID__c = :vault.Deal_Registration__c];

    //check to see if  registration id on the opp match the entered value    
    if(opps.size() > 0 && opps[0].Deal_Registration_ID__c == vault.Deal_Registration__c){

    //If they do match set the valid deal reg Id flat to true
        vault.isValidDealReg__c = true;
        vault.Related_Opp__c = opps[0].Id;

    //If they don't match then query all contacts on the account related to the opportunity

    //If is valid deal reg flag is false add a message to the errorMSgs list indicated the entered
    //deal registration is not valid with details on who they should contact
        //stop here
    } else if(vault.isValidDealReg__c == false){
        errorMsgs.add('Deal Registration # was incorrect. Please contact your representative.');
    } else {
            vault.Status__c = 'Application Received';
            insert vault;
            saveResult = 'success';

        }catch(exception e){
            ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.FATAL, 'Uh oh. Something didn\'t work quite right. Please contact partners@f5.com for assistance. \n\n' + e.getMessage()));                
            saveResult = 'fail';


//------------------------Code for CAPTCHA verification----------------------------
public String captchaInput {get; set;}
List<String> characters;
String char1; 
String char3; 
String char5;

//This methods simply returns a random number between 0 and the size of the character list
public Integer randomNumber(){
    Integer random = Math.Round(Math.Random() * characters.Size());
    if(random == characters.size()){
    return random;

/*Here we have 6 get methods that return 6 random characters to the page.
For chars 1,3, and 5 (the black characters) we are saving the the values so 
that we can compare them with the user's input */
public String getChar1(){
    char1 = characters[randomNumber()];
    return char1;
public String getChar2(){
    return characters[randomNumber()];
public String getChar3(){
    char3 = characters[randomNumber()];
    return char3;
public String getChar4(){
    return characters[randomNumber()];
public String getChar5(){
    char5 = characters[randomNumber()];
    return char5;
public String getChar6(){
    return characters[randomNumber()];

public String correctAnswer(){
    return char1 + char3 + char5;   

public Boolean validateCAPTCHA(){
    if(captchaInput.length() == 3 && captchaInput.subString(0,1) == char1 && captchaInput.subString(1,2) == char3 && captchaInput.subString(2,3) == char5){
        return true;
        return false;



public class VaultVFTEST {

/*This tests the VaultVF class on the Vault__c object*/

static testMethod void VaultVFTEST() {

    //Create opp, hardcode the Deal_Registration_Id__c field with 'x111111111' and insert opp
    Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(Name='test opp', StageName='stage', Deal_Registration_Id__c='x111111111', Probability = 95, CloseDate=system.today());
    insert opp;

    //Create and insert Vault record
    Vault__c vault = new Vault__c(
        Deal_Registration__c = 'x111111111',
        Scenario__c = 'BIG-IP front ending Firewalls',
        isValidDealReg__c = true,
        Status__c = 'Application Received',
        Load_Balancer_is_a_Firewall__c = 'Yes',
        Providing_DDos_Connection__c = 'Firewalls',
        Providing_DDos_protection_except_ASM__c = 'Yes',
        No_Traffic_Traverse__c = 'Yes',
        Firewall_Vendor_Name__c = 'Firewall Vendor Company',
        First_Name__c = 'Test First Name',
        Last_Name__c = 'Test Last Name',
        Company_Name__c = 'Test Company Name',
        Phone__c = '(206) 946-3126',
        Email__c = 'test@email.com',
        Country__c = 'United States',
        Additional_Info__c = 'Test Additional Info',
        Related_Opp__c = opp.Id

    //Now insert the vault record to invoke the VaultVF class
    insert vault;

    //Assertion Testing - Check to make sure the Deal_Registration__c value
    //matches the Deal_Registration_Id__c value of the related opportunity
    for(Vault__c v : [select Id, Deal_Registration__c from Vault__c where Deal_Registration__c IN :vault]){
        system.assertEquals(v.Deal_Registration__c, opp.Deal_Registration_Id__c);

1 回答 1


什么是Opportunity.Deal_Registration_ID__c字段类型?如果它是公式字段或自动编号,那么 Apex 真的无法写入。

一般来说,在这种情况下,您必须插入机会(没有设置此字段),然后在成功插入后从数据库中读取它。如果它是自动编号 - 魔术会自行发生(尽管我不会说最好有一些连续的许可证号码并且容易伪造;)),如果它是一个公式字段 - 确保你已经设置了所有在插入之前用于计算的字段。


Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(Name='test opp', StageName='stage', Probability = 95, CloseDate=system.today());
insert opp;
opp = [SELECT Id, Name, Deal_Registration_ID__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = :opp.Id];

// Optionally - make sure value was set
System.assertNotEquals(null, opp.Deal_Registration_ID__c);
System.assert(opp.Deal_Registration_ID__c.length() > 0); // if it's a String

Vault__c vault = new Vault__c(
    Deal_Registration__c = opp.Deal_Registration_ID__c ,
    Scenario__c = 'BIG-IP front ending Firewalls',
    isValidDealReg__c = true,
    Status__c = 'Application Received',
    Load_Balancer_is_a_Firewall__c = 'Yes',
    Providing_DDos_Connection__c = 'Firewalls',
    Providing_DDos_protection_except_ASM__c = 'Yes',
    No_Traffic_Traverse__c = 'Yes',
    Firewall_Vendor_Name__c = 'Firewall Vendor Company',
    First_Name__c = 'Test First Name',
    Last_Name__c = 'Test Last Name',
    Company_Name__c = 'Test Company Name',
    Phone__c = '(206) 946-3126',
    Email__c = 'test@email.com',
    Country__c = 'United States',
    Additional_Info__c = 'Test Additional Info',
    Related_Opp__c = opp.Id
于 2013-01-08T06:45:15.543 回答