我是 VB 新手,在尝试复制工作表时遇到了令人沮丧的崩溃。

调用worksheet.Copy()在大多数情况下都有效,但是当用户在单元格中输入文本并且没有取消选择该单元格或按下 Enter 键时,它会崩溃并显示消息“工作表类的复制消息失败”和错误代码 -2146827284。谁能告诉我为什么会这样?

这是整个子(当用户单击 excel 功能区中的按钮时调用)

Friend Sub CheckSheet(ByRef worksheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet, ByVal testType As List(Of String), ByRef guide As List(Of String), ByRef display As Dictionary(Of String, Boolean), ByRef URL As String)

        'Read the labels and units from the current worksheet
        Dim readings = loadReadings(worksheet, 3, 3, 4)
        If readings Is Nothing Then 'If the readings are not successfully loaded
            Exit Sub
        End If

        'Create a copy of the workbook to be processed to put the results in
        Dim originalFilename As String = Application.ActiveWorkbook.FullName
        Dim using1904system As Boolean = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Date1904

        worksheet.Copy() 'FIXME Crash here if selected cell has newly entered text

        worksheet = Application.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
        Application.ActiveWorkbook.Date1904 = using1904system 'Make sure the new worksheet uses the same date option

        'Get requests from worksheet
        Dim cellMap = New Dictionary(Of String, Range)
        Dim allRequests = getRequests(worksheet, readings, cellMap, 5, testType, guidelines, 1, 2, 3)

        'Gets the results from the server and outputs them to a new Excel workbook
        Dim success = processResults(allRequests, URL, worksheet, display, cellMap, 5, originalFilename, testType, guidelines)
        If Not success Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        'Set focus to the checked worksheet

    End Sub






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此问题的原因是 Excel 等待用户 - Excel 是一个以用户为中心的应用程序,您的所有操作都必须等到用户完成数据输入。我认为这种行为很有用,因为此时单元格的文本在技术上是未定义的,因此如果用户编辑单元格,按下按钮然后完成输入数据,您将产生废话结果 - 您将使用旧数据,这是没有用的。

我看过这个线程:如何检测一个单元格被选中用于在 excel 中编辑 这应该会有所帮助否则,您可以将代码包装在 try...catch 块中并解析返回的错误代码。如果是您的错误代码,则会显示一条消息,例如“哎呀,请完成编辑文本框”。但我认为事件会更好。

于 2013-01-07T19:50:47.173 回答