我试图做类似的事情http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/general/2710/但第 121 - 136 行
if (shape_type == 0) {
sphere->set_shape(Coordinates, Properties, mode);
else if (shape_type == 2) {
ellipsoid->set_shape(Coordinates, Properties, mode);
else if (shape_type == 3) {
cuboid->set_shape(Coordinates, Properties, mode);
else if (shape_type == 4) {
octahedron->set_shape(Coordinates, Properties, mode);
main.cpp:122:54:警告:“球体”可能在此函数中未初始化使用 [-Wuninitialized] main.cpp:126:57:警告:“椭圆体”可能在此函数中未初始化使用 [-Wuninitialized] main。 cpp:130:54: 警告: 'cuboid' 可能在此函数中未初始化使用 [-Wuninitialized] main.cpp:134:58: 警告: 'octahedron' 可能在此函数中未初始化使用 [-Wuninitialized]
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdio>
#include "ShapeContainer.H"
using namespace std;
int main () {
// Declaration of Variables //
vector <double> input;
vector <double> BoundingBoxDimension; // Will be in the form X,Y,Z,dX,dY,dZ
// Note: shape_type follows same convention as Stat3D
// 0 = Sphere
// 1 = Cylinder
// 2 = Ellipsoid
// 3 = Cuboid
// 4 = Octahedron
unsigned int shape_type;
unsigned int mode;
vector <double> Coordinates; // Coordinates of Center of each shape
// Properties of the shape
// For:
// Spheres: r
// Cylinders: R,h,v1,v2,v3
// Ellipsoid: a,b,c,a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3 ... will calculate c1,c2,c3
// Cuboid: a,b,c,a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3 ... will calculate c1,c2,c3
// Octahedron: a,b,c,a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3 ... will calculate c1,c2,c3
vector <double> Properties;
double item;
string line;
vector <Shape*> ShapeVector;
ShapeContainer SC;
////// These are some default options used in development
////// feel free to delete them when finished
string inputFileName = "../Cuboid.in";
string Stat3DFileName = inputFileName;
string T3DFileName = inputFileName;
Stat3DFileName.insert(Stat3DFileName.rfind("."), "_Rewrite");
T3DFileName.insert(T3DFileName.rfind("."), "_T3D" );
// Set some options //
bool ReWriteStat3D = true;
// Set Shapes //
// (if need to add a new shape, add shape here)
Sphere* sphere;
Ellipsoid* ellipsoid;
Cuboid* cuboid;
Octahedron* octahedron;
// Open File //
ifstream inputFile (inputFileName.c_str());
if ( !inputFile.is_open() ) {
cout << "Can not find specified input file,\n " << inputFileName.c_str() << "\nplease check the file and try again.\n";
return 0;
// Read File Contents //
// Gets Bounding Box Dimensions from First Line of File //
getline(inputFile, line);
istringstream iss(line); // Get a line of data corresponds to 1 item.
while (iss >> item) {BoundingBoxDimension.push_back(item);}; // Parses the data from the line
if (BoundingBoxDimension.size() == 0) {
cout << "Bounding box does not follow recognized format.\nPlease have the first line be either\ndx dy dz\nor\nx y z dx dy dz\n";
return 0;
else if (BoundingBoxDimension.size() == 3) {BoundingBoxDimension.insert(BoundingBoxDimension.begin(),3,0);};
// Takes number of particles and total number
// of rows and does not record them
getline(inputFile, line);
getline(inputFile, line);
// Get Data for each shape starting at line
while (getline(inputFile, line)) {
istringstream iss(line); // Get a line of data corresponds to 1 item.
while (iss >> item) {input.push_back(item); }; // Parses the data from the line
// Set shape type //
shape_type=input[0]; // What type of shape is it?
// Set Mode (Stat3D) / Property (T3D) //
mode=input[1]; // What material is it (mode Stat3D/ Property T3D)
// Set coordinates //
Coordinates.push_back(input[2]); // x
Coordinates.push_back(input[3]); // y
Coordinates.push_back(input[4]); // z
// Puts sizing and orientation into Properties
for (unsigned int i = 5; i < input.size(); i++) {Properties.push_back(input[i]);};
// Calculates the c1,c2,c3 of shapes defined that way
if (Properties.size() == 9)
double length;
length = sqrt(pow(Properties[3],2)+pow(Properties[4],2)+pow(Properties[5],2));
for (unsigned int PC = 3; PC <= 5; PC++) {Properties[PC] = Properties[PC] / length;}
length = sqrt(pow(Properties[6],2)+pow(Properties[7],2)+pow(Properties[8],2));
for (unsigned int PC = 6; PC <= 8; PC++) {Properties[PC] = Properties[PC] / length;}
if (shape_type == 0) {
sphere->set_shape(Coordinates, Properties, mode);
else if (shape_type == 2) {
ellipsoid->set_shape(Coordinates, Properties, mode);
else if (shape_type == 3) {
cuboid->set_shape(Coordinates, Properties, mode);
else if (shape_type == 4) {
octahedron->set_shape(Coordinates, Properties, mode);
inputFile.close(); // Closes Input File
// Prints out the shapes
ofstream T3DFile (T3DFileName.c_str());
PrintT3D(T3DFile, SC);
// If option ReWriteStat3D is set to true, a new file for Stat3D is created
if (ReWriteStat3D == true) {
ofstream Stat3DFile (Stat3DFileName.c_str());
PrintStat3D(Stat3DFile, SC);
return 0;