我们将 Linqpad 用于我们的数据管理员,作为 SSMS 的替代报告工具。我们的大多数管家仍然坚持使用 SQL(我们正在慢慢地将其中的一些转换为 LINQ,但一次一步)。但是,我们在 LINQPad 中遇到了一个限制,我不确定如何处理。对于大型结果集,由于 LINQPad 在推送到屏幕之前首先将查询拉入内存,因此在大型结果集上内存不足。有没有办法将 LINQPad 中的 SQL 查询直接推送到 CSV?
637 次
1 回答
LINQPad 没有为此的内置方法(我应该添加它),但它很容易编写。将以下内容放入“我的扩展”中:
public static class MyExtensions
public static void WriteCsv<T> (this IEnumerable<T> elements, string filePath)
var fields = typeof (T).GetFields();
var props = typeof (T).GetProperties()
.Where (p => IsSimpleType (p.PropertyType))
using (var writer = new StreamWriter (filePath))
string header = string.Join (",",
fields.Select (f => f.Name).Concat (props.Select (p => p.Name)))
// Work around bug in Excel
if (header.StartsWith ("ID")) header = " " + header;
writer.WriteLine (header);
foreach (var element in elements)
var values =
fields.Select (f => Format (f.GetValue (element))).Concat (
props.Select (p => Format (p.GetValue (element, null))));
writer.WriteLine (string.Join (",", values));
static string Format (object value)
if (value == null) return "";
// With DateTimes, it's safest to force a culture insensitive format:
if (value is DateTime) return ((DateTime)value).ToString ("s");
if (value is DateTimeOffset) return ((DateTimeOffset)value).ToString ("s");
string result = value.ToString();
result = result.Replace ("\"", "\"\"");
if (result.Contains (",") || result.Contains ("\"") || result.Any (c => c < 0x20))
result = "\"" + result + "\"";
return result;
public static bool IsSimpleType (Type t)
if (t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition () == typeof (Nullable<>))
t = t.GetGenericArguments() [0];
return t.IsPrimitive || Type.GetTypeCode (t) != TypeCode.Object ||
typeof (IFormattable).IsAssignableFrom (t);
ObjectTrackingEnabled = false;
Customers.WriteCsv (@"c:\\temp\\customers.csv");
于 2013-01-08T07:26:38.873 回答