ac# winforms 程序有没有办法写入控制台窗口?
winforms 程序可以将自身附加到创建它的控制台窗口(或附加到不同的控制台窗口,或者如果需要,甚至附加到新的控制台窗口)。一旦附加到控制台窗口 Console.WriteLine() 等按预期工作。这种方法的一个问题是程序立即将控制权返回给控制台窗口,然后继续对其进行写入,因此用户也可以在控制台窗口中键入。我认为您可以使用 start 和 /wait 参数来处理这个问题。
你的应用程序 > 文件.txt
在这种情况下,附加到控制台窗口会有效地忽略管道。要完成这项工作,您可以调用 Console.OpenStandardOutput() 来获取输出应通过管道传输到的流的句柄。这仅在输出是管道的情况下才有效,因此如果您想处理这两种情况,您需要打开标准输出并将其写入并附加到控制台窗口。这确实意味着输出被发送到控制台窗口和管道,但它是我能找到的最佳解决方案。在我用来执行此操作的代码下方。
// This always writes to the parent console window and also to a redirected stdout if there is one.
// It would be better to do the relevant thing (eg write to the redirected file if there is one, otherwise
// write to the console) but it doesn't seem possible.
public class GUIConsoleWriter : IConsoleWriter
private static extern bool AttachConsole(int dwProcessId);
private const int ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS = -1;
StreamWriter _stdOutWriter;
// this must be called early in the program
public GUIConsoleWriter()
// this needs to happen before attachconsole.
// If the output is not redirected we still get a valid stream but it doesn't appear to write anywhere
// I guess it probably does write somewhere, but nowhere I can find out about
var stdout = Console.OpenStandardOutput();
_stdOutWriter = new StreamWriter(stdout);
_stdOutWriter.AutoFlush = true;
public void WriteLine(string line)