我正在尝试编写一个应用程序的自动化测试,该应用程序基本上将自定义消息格式转换为 XML 消息并将其发送到另一端。我有一组很好的输入/输出消息对,所以我需要做的就是发送输入消息并监听从另一端出来的 XML 消息。

当需要将实际输出与预期输出进行比较时,我遇到了一些问题。我的第一个想法就是对预期和实际消息进行字符串比较。这并不能很好地工作,因为我们所拥有的示例数据的格式并不总是一致,并且经常有不同的别名用于 XML 命名空间(有时根本不使用命名空间。)



给定两个都包含有效 XML 的 Java 字符串,您将如何确定它们在语义上是否等效?如果您有办法确定差异是什么,则可以加分。


15 回答 15


听起来像是 XMLUnit 的工作


public class SomeTest extends XMLTestCase {
  public void test() {
    String xml1 = ...
    String xml2 = ...

    XMLUnit.setIgnoreWhitespace(true); // ignore whitespace differences

    // can also compare xml Documents, InputSources, Readers, Diffs
    assertXMLEqual(xml1, xml2);  // assertXMLEquals comes from XMLTestCase
于 2008-09-26T21:43:03.857 回答

下面将使用标准 JDK 库检查文档是否相等。

DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();

文档 doc1 = db.parse(new File("file1.xml"));

文档 doc2 = db.parse(new File("file2.xml"));


normalize() 是为了确保没有周期(技术上不会有)

上面的代码将要求元素中的空格相同,因为它保留并评估它。Java 附带的标准 XML 解析器不允许您设置功能以提供规范版本或了解xml:space这是否会成为问题,那么您可能需要替换 XML 解析器,例如 xerces 或使用 JDOM。

于 2010-11-18T02:50:41.473 回答

Xom有一个 Canonicalizer 实用程序,可以将您的 DOM 转换为常规形式,然后您可以对其进行字符串化和比较。因此,无论空格不规则或属性排序如何,您都可以对文档进行定期、可预测的比较。

这在具有专用可视字符串比较器的 IDE 中尤其有效,例如 Eclipse。您可以直观地看到文档之间的语义差异。

于 2008-09-26T21:12:43.523 回答

最新版本的XMLUnit可以帮助断言两个 XML 相等。也可能对所讨论XMLUnit.setIgnoreWhitespace()XMLUnit.setIgnoreAttributeOrder()情况是必要的。

请参阅下面的 XML 单元使用的简单示例的工作代码。

import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.DetailedDiff;
import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLUnit;
import org.junit.Assert;

public class TestXml {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String result = "<abc             attr=\"value1\"                title=\"something\">            </abc>";
        // will be ok
        assertXMLEquals("<abc attr=\"value1\" title=\"something\"></abc>", result);

    public static void assertXMLEquals(String expectedXML, String actualXML) throws Exception {

        DetailedDiff diff = new DetailedDiff(XMLUnit.compareXML(expectedXML, actualXML));

        List<?> allDifferences = diff.getAllDifferences();
        Assert.assertEquals("Differences found: "+ diff.toString(), 0, allDifferences.size());


如果使用 Maven,请将其添加到您的pom.xml

于 2013-05-09T21:40:20.563 回答

基于Tom的回答,这里有一个使用 XMLUnit v2 的示例。

它使用这些 Maven 依赖项



import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.xmlunit.matchers.CompareMatcher.isIdenticalTo;
import org.xmlunit.builder.Input;
import org.xmlunit.input.WhitespaceStrippedSource;

public class SomeTest extends XMLTestCase {
    public void test() {
        String result = "<root></root>";
        String expected = "<root>  </root>";

        // ignore whitespace differences
        // https://github.com/xmlunit/user-guide/wiki/Providing-Input-to-XMLUnit#whitespacestrippedsource
        assertThat(result, isIdenticalTo(new WhitespaceStrippedSource(Input.from(expected).build())));

        assertThat(result, isIdenticalTo(Input.from(expected).build())); // will fail due to whitespace differences


于 2016-03-22T01:42:36.920 回答


import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

public class XmlDiff 
    private boolean nodeTypeDiff = true;
    private boolean nodeValueDiff = true;

    public boolean diff( String xml1, String xml2, List<String> diffs ) throws Exception
        DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();

        Document doc1 = db.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(xml1.getBytes()));
        Document doc2 = db.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(xml2.getBytes()));


        return diff( doc1, doc2, diffs );


     * Diff 2 nodes and put the diffs in the list 
    public boolean diff( Node node1, Node node2, List<String> diffs ) throws Exception
        if( diffNodeExists( node1, node2, diffs ) )
            return true;

        if( nodeTypeDiff )
            diffNodeType(node1, node2, diffs );

        if( nodeValueDiff )
            diffNodeValue(node1, node2, diffs );

        System.out.println(node1.getNodeName() + "/" + node2.getNodeName());

        diffAttributes( node1, node2, diffs );
        diffNodes( node1, node2, diffs );

        return diffs.size() > 0;

     * Diff the nodes
    public boolean diffNodes( Node node1, Node node2, List<String> diffs ) throws Exception
        //Sort by Name
        Map<String,Node> children1 = new LinkedHashMap<String,Node>();      
        for( Node child1 = node1.getFirstChild(); child1 != null; child1 = child1.getNextSibling() )
            children1.put( child1.getNodeName(), child1 );

        //Sort by Name
        Map<String,Node> children2 = new LinkedHashMap<String,Node>();      
        for( Node child2 = node2.getFirstChild(); child2!= null; child2 = child2.getNextSibling() )
            children2.put( child2.getNodeName(), child2 );

        //Diff all the children1
        for( Node child1 : children1.values() )
            Node child2 = children2.remove( child1.getNodeName() );
            diff( child1, child2, diffs );

        //Diff all the children2 left over
        for( Node child2 : children2.values() )
            Node child1 = children1.get( child2.getNodeName() );
            diff( child1, child2, diffs );

        return diffs.size() > 0;

     * Diff the nodes
    public boolean diffAttributes( Node node1, Node node2, List<String> diffs ) throws Exception
        //Sort by Name
        NamedNodeMap nodeMap1 = node1.getAttributes();
        Map<String,Node> attributes1 = new LinkedHashMap<String,Node>();        
        for( int index = 0; nodeMap1 != null && index < nodeMap1.getLength(); index++ )
            attributes1.put( nodeMap1.item(index).getNodeName(), nodeMap1.item(index) );

        //Sort by Name
        NamedNodeMap nodeMap2 = node2.getAttributes();
        Map<String,Node> attributes2 = new LinkedHashMap<String,Node>();        
        for( int index = 0; nodeMap2 != null && index < nodeMap2.getLength(); index++ )
            attributes2.put( nodeMap2.item(index).getNodeName(), nodeMap2.item(index) );


        //Diff all the attributes1
        for( Node attribute1 : attributes1.values() )
            Node attribute2 = attributes2.remove( attribute1.getNodeName() );
            diff( attribute1, attribute2, diffs );

        //Diff all the attributes2 left over
        for( Node attribute2 : attributes2.values() )
            Node attribute1 = attributes1.get( attribute2.getNodeName() );
            diff( attribute1, attribute2, diffs );

        return diffs.size() > 0;
     * Check that the nodes exist
    public boolean diffNodeExists( Node node1, Node node2, List<String> diffs ) throws Exception
        if( node1 == null && node2 == null )
            diffs.add( getPath(node2) + ":node " + node1 + "!=" + node2 + "\n" );
            return true;

        if( node1 == null && node2 != null )
            diffs.add( getPath(node2) + ":node " + node1 + "!=" + node2.getNodeName() );
            return true;

        if( node1 != null && node2 == null )
            diffs.add( getPath(node1) + ":node " + node1.getNodeName() + "!=" + node2 );
            return true;

        return false;

     * Diff the Node Type
    public boolean diffNodeType( Node node1, Node node2, List<String> diffs ) throws Exception
        if( node1.getNodeType() != node2.getNodeType() ) 
            diffs.add( getPath(node1) + ":type " + node1.getNodeType() + "!=" + node2.getNodeType() );
            return true;

        return false;

     * Diff the Node Value
    public boolean diffNodeValue( Node node1, Node node2, List<String> diffs ) throws Exception
        if( node1.getNodeValue() == null && node2.getNodeValue() == null )
            return false;

        if( node1.getNodeValue() == null && node2.getNodeValue() != null )
            diffs.add( getPath(node1) + ":type " + node1 + "!=" + node2.getNodeValue() );
            return true;

        if( node1.getNodeValue() != null && node2.getNodeValue() == null )
            diffs.add( getPath(node1) + ":type " + node1.getNodeValue() + "!=" + node2 );
            return true;

        if( !node1.getNodeValue().equals( node2.getNodeValue() ) )
            diffs.add( getPath(node1) + ":type " + node1.getNodeValue() + "!=" + node2.getNodeValue() );
            return true;

        return false;

     * Get the node path
    public String getPath( Node node )
        StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder();

            path.insert(0, node.getNodeName() );
            path.insert( 0, "/" );
        while( ( node = node.getParentNode() ) != null );

        return path.toString();
于 2011-04-28T08:54:51.970 回答

AssertJ 1.4+ 有特定的断言来比较 XML 内容:

String expectedXml = "<foo />";
String actualXml = "<bar />";


于 2016-04-12T10:09:19.470 回答


String xml1 = ...
String xml2 = ...
XMLAssert.assertXMLEqual(actualxml, xmlInDb);
于 2017-08-23T12:38:03.803 回答

skaffman 似乎给出了一个很好的答案。

另一种方法可能是使用像 xmlstarlet( http://xmlstar.sourceforge.net/ ) 这样的命令行实用程序来格式化 XML,然后格式化两个字符串,然后使用任何 diff 实用程序(库)来区分生成的输出文件。当名称空间出现问题时,我不知道这是否是一个好的解决方案。

于 2008-09-26T21:51:15.553 回答

我正在使用Altova DiffDog,它具有在结构上比较 XML 文件的选项(忽略字符串数据)。


<foo a="xxx" b="xxx">xxx</foo>

<foo b="yyy" a="yyy">yyy</foo> 


于 2010-10-26T09:35:42.693 回答

我需要与主要问题中要求的功能相同的功能。由于不允许我使用任何 3rd 方库,因此我基于 @Archimedes Trajano 解决方案创建了自己的解决方案。


import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;

 * Asserts for asserting XML strings.
public final class AssertXml {

    private AssertXml() {

    private static Pattern NAMESPACE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("xmlns:(ns\\d+)=\"(.*?)\"");

     * Asserts that two XML are of identical content (namespace aliases are ignored).
     * @param expectedXml expected XML
     * @param actualXml actual XML
     * @throws Exception thrown if XML parsing fails
    public static void assertEqualXmls(String expectedXml, String actualXml) throws Exception {
        // Find all namespace mappings
        Map<String, String> fullnamespace2newAlias = new HashMap<String, String>();
        generateNewAliasesForNamespacesFromXml(expectedXml, fullnamespace2newAlias);
        generateNewAliasesForNamespacesFromXml(actualXml, fullnamespace2newAlias);

        for (Entry<String, String> entry : fullnamespace2newAlias.entrySet()) {
            String newAlias = entry.getValue();
            String namespace = entry.getKey();
            Pattern nsReplacePattern = Pattern.compile("xmlns:(ns\\d+)=\"" + namespace + "\"");
            expectedXml = transletaNamespaceAliasesToNewAlias(expectedXml, newAlias, nsReplacePattern);
            actualXml = transletaNamespaceAliasesToNewAlias(actualXml, newAlias, nsReplacePattern);

        // nomralize namespaces accoring to given mapping

        DocumentBuilder db = initDocumentParserFactory();

        Document expectedDocuemnt = db.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(expectedXml.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))));

        Document actualDocument = db.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(actualXml.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))));

        if (!expectedDocuemnt.isEqualNode(actualDocument)) {
            Assert.assertEquals(expectedXml, actualXml); //just to better visualize the diffeences i.e. in eclipse

    private static DocumentBuilder initDocumentParserFactory() throws ParserConfigurationException {
        DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
        return db;

    private static String transletaNamespaceAliasesToNewAlias(String xml, String newAlias, Pattern namespacePattern) {
        Matcher nsMatcherExp = namespacePattern.matcher(xml);
        if (nsMatcherExp.find()) {
            xml = xml.replaceAll(nsMatcherExp.group(1) + "[:]", newAlias + ":");
            xml = xml.replaceAll(nsMatcherExp.group(1) + "=", newAlias + "=");
        return xml;

    private static void generateNewAliasesForNamespacesFromXml(String xml, Map<String, String> fullnamespace2newAlias) {
        Matcher nsMatcher = NAMESPACE_PATTERN.matcher(xml);
        while (nsMatcher.find()) {
            if (!fullnamespace2newAlias.containsKey(nsMatcher.group(2))) {
                fullnamespace2newAlias.put(nsMatcher.group(2), "nsTr" + (fullnamespace2newAlias.size() + 1));


它比较两个 XML 字符串,并通过将它们转换为两个输入字符串中的唯一值来处理任何不匹配的名称空间映射。


于 2016-04-15T23:41:57.970 回答

这将比较完整的字符串 XML(在途中重新格式化它们)。它使您可以轻松地使用您的 IDE(IntelliJ、Eclipse),因为您只需单击并直观地查看 XML 文件中的差异。

import org.apache.xml.security.c14n.CanonicalizationException;
import org.apache.xml.security.c14n.Canonicalizer;
import org.apache.xml.security.c14n.InvalidCanonicalizerException;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.bootstrap.DOMImplementationRegistry;
import org.w3c.dom.ls.DOMImplementationLS;
import org.w3c.dom.ls.LSSerializer;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.StringReader;

import static org.apache.xml.security.Init.init;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

public class XmlUtils {
    static {

    public static String toCanonicalXml(String xml) throws InvalidCanonicalizerException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, CanonicalizationException, IOException {
        Canonicalizer canon = Canonicalizer.getInstance(Canonicalizer.ALGO_ID_C14N_OMIT_COMMENTS);
        byte canonXmlBytes[] = canon.canonicalize(xml.getBytes());
        return new String(canonXmlBytes);

    public static String prettyFormat(String input) throws TransformerException, ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException {
        InputSource src = new InputSource(new StringReader(input));
        Element document = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(src).getDocumentElement();
        Boolean keepDeclaration = input.startsWith("<?xml");
        DOMImplementationRegistry registry = DOMImplementationRegistry.newInstance();
        DOMImplementationLS impl = (DOMImplementationLS) registry.getDOMImplementation("LS");
        LSSerializer writer = impl.createLSSerializer();
        writer.getDomConfig().setParameter("format-pretty-print", Boolean.TRUE);
        writer.getDomConfig().setParameter("xml-declaration", keepDeclaration);
        return writer.writeToString(document);

    public static void assertXMLEqual(String expected, String actual) throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException, CanonicalizationException, InvalidCanonicalizerException, TransformerException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException {
        String canonicalExpected = prettyFormat(toCanonicalXml(expected));
        String canonicalActual = prettyFormat(toCanonicalXml(actual));
        assertEquals(canonicalExpected, canonicalActual);

我更喜欢它而不是 XmlUnit,因为客户端代码(测试代码)更干净。

于 2014-10-14T13:10:41.627 回答

将 JExamXML 与 Java 应用程序一起使用

    import com.a7soft.examxml.ExamXML;
    import com.a7soft.examxml.Options;


       // Reads two XML files into two strings
       String s1 = readFile("orders1.xml");
       String s2 = readFile("orders.xml");

       // Loads options saved in a property file

       // Compares two Strings representing XML entities
       System.out.println( ExamXML.compareXMLString( s1, s2 ) );
于 2013-02-09T11:12:51.407 回答

使用 XMLUnit 2.x



测试实现(使用junit 5):

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.xmlunit.assertj3.XmlAssert;

public class FooTest {

    public void compareXml() {
        String xmlContentA = "<foo></foo>";
        String xmlContentB = "<foo></foo>";

其他方法 : areIdentical(), areNotIdentical(),areNotSimilar()


XMLUnit 还具有(以及其他特性)aDifferenceEvaluator可以进行更精确的比较。

XMLUnit 网站

于 2022-02-24T16:16:11.467 回答

既然您说“语义等效”,我假设您的意思是您想做的不仅仅是从字面上验证 xml 输出是否(字符串)等于,并且您想要类似的东西

<foo> 这里有些东西</foo></code>


读为等价物。最终,您如何在要从中重构消息的任何对象上定义“语义等价”将很重要。只需从消息中构建该对象并使用自定义 equals() 来定义您要查找的内容。

于 2008-09-27T16:30:09.123 回答