A couple of my friends and me are planning to make a time tracking web application. Between us we have experience in Java, C++, Django and Backbone.js, though we have never made any full fledged commercial application. This is our first real project and we wanted a bit more clarity before learning nodejs.

More about the app:

  • Users will use this application through out the day to log various tasks (sort of like a task management application)
  • Track the time spent on these tasks (time tracking)
  • Users do not interact with each other's tasks.
  • We expect users to use this app continuously throughout the day

So we want the app to have high Performance. We also foresee making native mobile applications (ios & Android) in the future, which can work with the same API used for the web. JSON and javascript are very appealing due to this. We also don't want to re-write code on the client and server.

I have already checked out this answer: How to decide when to use Node.js? but would really like some more clarity.

Is node.js a good fit for this scenario? What advantages would it have over, say Django+Backbone.js?


2 回答 2


在处理 HTTP 请求的同一层中实现应用程序逻辑是一种相当危险的方法,特别是当您处理基于事件的服务器时,其中单个处理程序的行为可能会影响整个服务器 - 更不用说异步 I 的复杂性了/O(这确实需要一个关系数据库后端 - 因此需要衍生线程)。您可以简单地使用 node.js 作为网络服务器或网络缓存,并将应用程序逻辑分离到一个 FastCGI 进程中。

您对使用 Node.js 的描述没有令人信服的理由,但有很多复杂性。

于 2013-01-07T14:37:01.990 回答

您可以使用 Node.JS 来服务和处理应用程序逻辑,背后有一个数据库。只要有一个公共数据库或会话存储,您最终可能会产生多个进程或在多个位置部署。

就个人而言,我没有看到那么多并发症。如果它可以有条不紊地完成工作,Node.JS 是可以的。

您实际上应该使用 Node.JS + Backbone.js。

有点离题:你描述应用程序的方式让我想起了 TinyPM。您可能想在上路之前检查一下:)

于 2013-01-07T14:45:31.277 回答