我正在尝试将长字符串显示到多个页面中。我的 Activity.xml 有一个文本视图,它占据了屏幕高度的 90%(这是我设置的相对布局)。我需要一些帮助来找出可以用来实现目标的正确方法/类
下面是我的代码。粗体内容(代码中以 ** 开头的注释)是我需要帮助的地方。
public class StoryActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
String contentString;
String pageString;
final int screenWidth;
final int screenHeight;
final int pageWidth;
final int pageHeight;
final int totalPages;
int pageNumber;
//load the content into the string contentString
InputStream is = getAssets().open("Story.txt");
int size = is.available();
byte[] buffer = new byte[size];
contentString = new String(buffer);
// get screen dimensions
DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics();
screenWidth = dm.widthPixels;
screenHeight= dm.heightPixels;
// create textview
TextView tv = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.textViewStory);
// calculate pageheight since textview size is 90% of the screen
pageHeight = (int) (0.9* screenHeight);
pageWidth = screenWidth;
**// 1)need to find number of lines which will fit pageHeight
// 2)then I need to find total number of lines in my String contentString
// 3)dividing 2) by 1) can give me number of pages required to display
// contentString.
// 4)I can then concatenate contentString at number of lines as found in
// 1) and thus I know what text (pageString) to display in page1**
**// steps 4) can be repeated to display next page when user click
// “nextpage” button**