我写了一个应用内购买测试应用程序来学习如何在我制作的应用程序中实现它。我改编了谷歌提供的 TrivialDrive 示例中的代码。但它不起作用,在我朋友付款后应用程序崩溃了。代码看起来像这样
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
String TAG = "AppPurchaseTest";
IabHelper mHelper;
boolean mIsPremium = false;
static final String SKU_PREMIUM = "premium";
static final int RC_REQUEST = 10001;
// User clicked the "Upgrade to Premium" button.
public void onUpgradeAppButtonClicked(View arg0) {
Log.d(TAG, "Upgrade button clicked; launching purchase flow for upgrade.");
// setWaitScreen(true);
mHelper.launchPurchaseFlow(this, SKU_PREMIUM, RC_REQUEST, mPurchaseFinishedListener);
//this is not working
// Callback for when a purchase is finished
IabHelper.OnIabPurchaseFinishedListener mPurchaseFinishedListener = new IabHelper.OnIabPurchaseFinishedListener() {
public void onIabPurchaseFinished(IabResult result, Purchase purchase) {
Log.d(TAG, "Purchase finished: " + result + ", purchase: " + purchase);
int duration = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT;
if (result.isFailure()) {
// Oh noes!
// complain("Error purchasing: " + result);
// setWaitScreen(false);
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Fail :(", duration).show();
Log.d(TAG, "Purchase successful.");
if (purchase.getSku().equals(SKU_PREMIUM)) {
// bought the premium upgrade!
Log.d(TAG, "Purchase is premium upgrade. Congratulating user.");
// alert("Thank you for upgrading to premium!");
mIsPremium = true;
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Successo: adesso sei premium", duration).show();
Button test = (Button) findViewById(R.id.test);
// updateUi();
// setWaitScreen(false);
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
String base64EncodedPublicKey = null;
// compute your public key and store it in base64EncodedPublicKey
mHelper = new IabHelper(this, base64EncodedPublicKey);
mHelper.startSetup(new IabHelper.OnIabSetupFinishedListener() {
public void onIabSetupFinished(IabResult result) {
if (!result.isSuccess()) {
// Oh noes, there was a problem.
Log.d(TAG, "Problem setting up In-app Billing: " + result);
// Hooray, IAB is fully set up!
protected void onDestroy() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (mHelper != null) {
Log.d(TAG, "mHelper doesn't = null ");
mHelper = null;
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
Log.d(TAG, "onActivityResult(" + requestCode + "," + resultCode + "," + data);
// Pass on the activity result to the helper for handling
if (!mHelper.handleActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)) {
// not handled, so handle it ourselves (here's where you'd
// perform any handling of activity results not related to in-app
// billing...
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
else {
Log.d(TAG, "onActivityResult handled by IABUtil.");
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.activity_main, menu);
return true;
本教程https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/billing_integrate.html 看起来更简单,但我不明白如何实现它,是否有示例或其他东西可以让我看到它是如何实现的实施的?我只需要简单升级到高级购买