我有一个管理客户列表的控制器。每个客户端都是一个 DS.Model。当我将控制器的内容设置为 App.Client.find() 的结果时,代码会引发以下异常,即 RecordArray。如果我将控制器的内容设置为空数组 [] 或者当我使用 Ember.Object 而不是 DS.Model 作为客户端对象时,我也不例外
Uncaught Error: Cannot perform operations on a Metamorph that is not in the DOM.
APP.ClientsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({});
APP.Client = DS.Model.extend({
APP.ClientsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
setupControllers: function(controller) {
APP.store = DS.Store.create({
revision: 11,
adapter: 'DS.FixtureAdapter'
任何想法,我尝试调试源代码,当 Ember 检测到控制器内容的更改并触发 arrayWillChange 事件时代码失败
arrayWillChange: function(content, start, removedCount) {
// If the contents were empty before and this template collection has an
// empty view remove it now.
var emptyView = get(this, 'emptyView');
if (emptyView && emptyView instanceof Ember.View) {
// Loop through child views that correspond with the removed items.
// Note that we loop from the end of the array to the beginning because
// we are mutating it as we go.
var childViews = get(this, 'childViews'), childView, idx, len;
len = get(childViews, 'length');
var removingAll = removedCount === len;
if (removingAll) {
for (idx = start + removedCount - 1; idx >= start; idx--) {
childView = childViews[idx];
if (removingAll) { childView.removedFromDOM = true; }