有谁知道如何在 get-childitem 等函数多次运行时显示输出(数组管道输入)?我会尝试用一个例子来展示它。
PS C:\Users> ".\Graimer", ".\Public" | Get-ChildItem
Directory: C:\Users\Graimer
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d-r-- 20.12.2012 15:59 Contacts
d-r-- 06.01.2013 01:23 Desktop
d-r-- 02.01.2013 17:15 Documents
d-r-- 05.01.2013 16:38 Downloads
d-r-- 20.12.2012 15:59 Favorites
d-r-- 20.12.2012 15:59 Links
d-r-- 20.12.2012 15:59 Music
d-r-- 20.12.2012 15:59 Pictures
d-r-- 20.12.2012 15:59 Saved Games
d-r-- 20.12.2012 15:59 Searches
d-r-- 20.12.2012 15:59 Videos
Directory: C:\Users\Public
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d-r-- 20.12.2012 13:57 Documents
d-r-- 26.07.2012 10:13 Downloads
d-r-- 26.07.2012 10:13 Music
d-r-- 26.07.2012 10:13 Pictures
d-r-- 26.07.2012 10:13 Videos
在我的函数中,当我使用数组输入和处理 { } 块时,Write-output 会将所有结果放在一个表中,就像它应该的那样。但是我怎么能像这样格式化呢?显示时按目录分隔,同时存储为标准对象数组?好像找不到关于它的文章。是否只能使用已编译的 cmdlet 没关系,无论如何我都在寻找一些线索:)
编辑:添加了我的代码。只需创建 psobjects 并使用 Write-Object 来显示它们。
Function Get-RecurseFileCount
[String[]]$Path = "."
foreach ($rootpath in $Path)
Write-Verbose "Testing if path of rootdirectory exists"
if(Test-Path $rootpath)
Write-Verbose "Getting all recursive subfolders"
$folders = Get-ChildItem $rootpath -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where {$_.PSIsContainer}
Write-Verbose "Starting to count files in rootfolder"
$folder = Get-Item $rootpath
$fcount = (Get-ChildItem $rootpath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where {!$_.PSIsContainer}).Count
New-Object psobject -Property @{FolderName = $folder.Name; FolderPath = $folder.FullName; FileCount = $fcount} | Write-Output
Write-Verbose "Starting to count files in subfolders"
foreach($folder in $folders)
$fname = $folder.Name
$fpath = $folder.FullName
$fcount = (Get-ChildItem $fpath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where {!$_.PSIsContainer}).Count
New-Object psobject -Property @{FolderName = $fname; FolderPath = $fpath; FileCount = $fcount} | Write-Output
Write-Verbose "Finished with filecount"
而且Format-Table -GroupBy ..
不是答案。一种解决方案是添加一个名为的属性root = $rootpath