您在这里混合了两种不同的方法。第一个是@KerrekSB 建议的
template<typename T, bool B = is_fundamental<T>::value>
class class_name;
// NOTE: template<> is needed here because this is an explicit specialization of a class template
class class_name<string, false>{
static string const value;
// NOTE: no template<> here, because this is just a definition of an ordinary class member
// (i.e. of the class class_name<string, false>)
string const class_name<string, false>::value = "Str";
或者,您可以完整地写出通用类模板并明确专门化静态成员<string, false>
template<typename T, bool B = is_fundamental<T>::value>
class class_name {
static string const value;
// NOTE: template<> is needed here because this is an explicit specialization of a class template member
string const class_name<string, false>::value = "Str";