我想获取与某个 content_object 相关的所有 Geom 对象(请参阅我试图在底部构建的函数 get_geoms_for_obj()

class Geom(models.Model):

class GeomRelation(models.Model):
    ''' For tagging many objects to a Geom object and vice-versa'''

    geom = models.ForeignKey(Geom)
    content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
    object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey()

def get_geoms_for_object(obj):
    ''' takes an object and gets the geoms that are related

    ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj)
    id = obj.id
    grs = GeomRelation.objects.filter( content_type=ct, object_id=id )
    # how with django orm magic can I build the queryset instead of list
    # like below to get all of the Geom objects for a given content_object
    geoms = []
    for gr in grs:
    return set(geoms)
    # A set makes it so that I have no redundant entries but I want the
    # queryset ordering too .. need to make it a queryset for so many reasons...

3 回答 3



return Geom.objects.filter(geomrelation__in=grs)
于 2009-09-13T14:22:07.770 回答

如果您的 Geom 类具有 generic.GenericRelation() 属性,您可以通过标准的向后关系获取对象。

class Geom(models.Model):
    geom_relations = generic.GenericRelation(GeomRelation)

这是仅限 Python 的属性,不需要更改数据库。现在要获取 geom_relations,您只需执行以下操作:

于 2009-09-13T17:56:13.183 回答

如果您将一个 QuerySet 对象作为另一个过滤器参数传递,ORM 将使用嵌套的选择语句。最好在过滤器查找中桥接表关系;然后 ORM 将在 JOIN 上使用一个简单的 WHERE 子句,无论如何它都必须这样做。性能差异显着:

In [2]: from django.db import connection
In [3]: from app.models import *
In [4]: ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Thing)
In [5]: grs = GeomRelation.objects.filter( content_type=ct, object_id=2 )
In [6]: 
In [7]: # slow method
In [8]: list(Geom.objects.filter(geomrelation__in=grs));
In [9]: connection.queries[-1]
{'sql': u'SELECT "app_geom"."id" FROM "app_geom" INNER JOIN "app_geomrelation" ON ("app_geom"."id" = "app_geomrelation"."geom_id") WHERE "app_geomrelation"."id" IN (SELECT U0."id" FROM "app_geomrelation" U0 WHERE (U0."content_type_id" = 10  AND U0."object_id" = 2 ))',
 'time': '0.140'}
In [10]: 
In [11]: # fast method
In [12]: list(Geom.objects.filter(geomrelation__content_type=ct,
   ....:                         geomrelation__object_id=2));
In [13]: connection.queries[-1]
{'sql': u'SELECT "app_geom"."id" FROM "app_geom" INNER JOIN "app_geomrelation" ON ("app_geom"."id" = "app_geomrelation"."geom_id") WHERE ("app_geomrelation"."object_id" = 2  AND "app_geomrelation"."content_type_id" = 10 )',
 'time': '0.001'}
于 2011-02-02T23:21:57.297 回答