有问题的问题/漫画:http: //xkcd.com/287/

通用解决方案为您提供 50% 的小费

我不确定这是不是最好的方法,但这是我迄今为止提出的。我正在使用 CFML,但任何人都应该可以阅读它。

<cffunction name="testCombo" returntype="boolean">
    <cfargument name="currentCombo" type="string" required="true" />
    <cfargument name="currentTotal" type="numeric" required="true" />
    <cfargument name="apps" type="array" required="true" />

    <cfset var a = 0 />
    <cfset var found = false />

    <cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(arguments.apps)#" index="a">
        <cfset arguments.currentCombo = listAppend(arguments.currentCombo, arguments.apps[a].name) />
        <cfset arguments.currentTotal = arguments.currentTotal + arguments.apps[a].cost />
        <cfif arguments.currentTotal eq 15.05>
            <!--- print current combo --->
            <cfoutput><strong>#arguments.currentCombo# = 15.05</strong></cfoutput><br />
            <cfreturn true />
        <cfelseif arguments.currentTotal gt 15.05>
            <cfoutput>#arguments.currentCombo# > 15.05 (aborting)</cfoutput><br />
            <cfreturn false />
            <!--- less than 15.05 --->
            <cfoutput>#arguments.currentCombo# < 15.05 (traversing)</cfoutput><br />
            <cfset found = testCombo(arguments.currentCombo, arguments.currentTotal, arguments.apps) />

<cfset mf = {name="Mixed Fruit", cost=2.15} />
<cfset ff = {name="French Fries", cost=2.75} />
<cfset ss = {name="side salad", cost=3.35} />
<cfset hw = {name="hot wings", cost=3.55} />
<cfset ms = {name="moz sticks", cost=4.20} />
<cfset sp = {name="sampler plate", cost=5.80} />
<cfset apps = [ mf, ff, ss, hw, ms, sp ] />

<cfloop from="1" to="6" index="b">
    <cfoutput>#testCombo(apps[b].name, apps[b].cost, apps)#</cfoutput>

上面的代码告诉我,加起来 15.05 美元的唯一组合是 7 个混合水果订单,我的 testCombo 函数需要执行 232 次才能完成。



15 回答 15



item(X) :- member(X,[215, 275, 335, 355, 420, 580]).
solution([X|Y], Z) :- item(X), plus(S, X, Z), Z >= 0, solution(Y, S).
solution([], 0).

使用 swiprolog 的解决方案:

?- solution(X, 1505).

X = [215, 215, 215, 215, 215, 215, 215] ;

X = [215, 355, 355, 580] ;

X = [215, 355, 580, 355] ;

X = [215, 580, 355, 355] ;

X = [355, 215, 355, 580] ;

X = [355, 215, 580, 355] ;

X = [355, 355, 215, 580] ;

X = [355, 355, 580, 215] ;

X = [355, 580, 215, 355] ;

X = [355, 580, 355, 215] ;

X = [580, 215, 355, 355] ;

X = [580, 355, 215, 355] ;

X = [580, 355, 355, 215] ;

于 2008-10-23T07:11:45.407 回答

NP 完全问题的关键不是它在小数据集上很棘手,而是解决它的工作量以大于多项式的速度增长,即没有 O(n^x) 算法。

如果时间复杂度是 O(n!),就像(我相信)上面提到的两个问题,那就是 NP。

于 2008-09-27T09:17:03.923 回答

递归(在 Perl 中)不是更优雅吗?

use strict;
use warnings;

my @weights  = (2.15, 2.75, 3.35, 3.55, 4.20, 5.80);

my $total = 0;
my @order = ();

iterate($total, @order);

sub iterate
    my ($total, @order) = @_;
    foreach my $w (@weights)
        if ($total+$w == 15.05)
            print join (', ', (@order, $w)), "\n";
        if ($total+$w < 15.05)
            iterate($total+$w, (@order, $w));


marco@unimatrix-01:~$ ./xkcd-knapsack.pl
2.15, 2.15, 2.15, 2.15, 2.15, 2.15, 2.15
2.15, 3.55, 3.55, 5.8
2.15, 3.55, 5.8, 3.55
2.15, 5.8, 3.55, 3.55
3.55, 2.15, 3.55, 5.8
3.55, 2.15, 5.8, 3.55
3.55, 3.55, 2.15, 5.8
3.55, 5.8, 2.15, 3.55
5.8, 2.15, 3.55, 3.55
5.8, 3.55, 2.15, 3.55

于 2008-09-27T08:50:20.087 回答

尽管背包是 NP Complete 的,但它是一个非常特殊的问题:通常的动态程序实际上非常出色(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knapsack_problem

如果你做正确的分析,结果是 O(nW),n 是项目数,W 是目标数。问题是当你必须 DP 超过一个大的 W 时,这就是我们得到 NP 行为的时候。但在大多数情况下,背包的表现相当不错,您可以毫无问题地解决非常大的实例。就 NP 完全问题而言,背包是最简单的问题之一。

于 2008-10-23T04:18:54.960 回答

这是使用 constraint.py 的解决方案

>>> from constraint import *
>>> problem = Problem()
>>> menu = {'mixed-fruit': 2.15,
...  'french-fries': 2.75,
...  'side-salad': 3.35,
...  'hot-wings': 3.55,
...  'mozarella-sticks': 4.20,
...  'sampler-plate': 5.80}
>>> for appetizer in menu:
...    problem.addVariable( appetizer, [ menu[appetizer] * i for i in range( 8 )] )
>>> problem.addConstraint(ExactSumConstraint(15.05))
>>> problem.getSolutions()
[{'side-salad': 0.0, 'french-fries': 0.0, 'sampler-plate': 5.7999999999999998, 'mixed-fruit': 2.1499999999999999, 'mozarella-sticks': 0.0, 'hot-wings': 7.0999999999999996},
 {'side-salad': 0.0, 'french-fries': 0.0, 'sampler-plate': 0.0, 'mixed-fruit':     15.049999999999999, 'mozarella-sticks': 0.0, 'hot-wings': 0.0}]

所以解决方案是订购一个采样盘、一个混合水果和 2 个热翅,或者订购 7 个混合水果。

于 2008-12-24T02:10:12.037 回答

这是 F# 的解决方案:


type Appetizer = { name : string; cost : int }

let menu = [
    {name="fruit"; cost=215}
    {name="fries"; cost=275}
    {name="salad"; cost=335}
    {name="wings"; cost=355}
    {name="moz sticks"; cost=420}
    {name="sampler"; cost=580}

// Choose: list<Appetizer> -> list<Appetizer> -> int -> list<list<Appetizer>>
let rec Choose allowedMenu pickedSoFar remainingMoney =
    if remainingMoney = 0 then
        // solved it, return this solution
        [ pickedSoFar ]
        // there's more to spend
        [match allowedMenu with
         | [] -> yield! []  // no more items to choose, no solutions this branch
         | item :: rest -> 
            if item.cost <= remainingMoney then
                // if first allowed is within budget, pick it and recurse
                yield! Choose allowedMenu (item :: pickedSoFar) (remainingMoney - item.cost)
            // regardless, also skip ever picking more of that first item and recurse
            yield! Choose rest pickedSoFar remainingMoney]

let solutions = Choose menu [] 1505

printfn "%d solutions:" solutions.Length 
solutions |> List.iter (fun solution ->
    solution |> List.iter (fun item -> printf "%s, " item.name)
    printfn ""

2 solutions:
fruit, fruit, fruit, fruit, fruit, fruit, fruit,
sampler, wings, wings, fruit,
于 2008-09-27T08:09:14.773 回答


于 2008-09-26T20:44:11.237 回答

你现在已经得到了所有正确的组合,但你仍然检查了比你需要的更多的东西(正如你的结果显示的许多排列所证明的那样)。此外,您忽略了最后一个达到 15.05 标记的项目。

我有一个 PHP 版本,它执行 209 次递归调用迭代(如果我得到所有排列,它会执行 2012 年)。如果在循环结束之前取出刚刚检查的项目,则可以减少计数。

我不知道 CF 语法,但它会是这样的:

            <!--- less than 15.50 --->
            <!--<cfoutput>#arguments.currentCombo# < 15.05 (traversing)</cfoutput><br />-->
            <cfset found = testCombo(CC, CT, arguments.apps) />
        ------- remove the item from the apps array that was just checked here ------

编辑:作为参考,这是我的 PHP 版本:

  function rc($total, $string, $m) {
    global $c;

    $m2 = $m;

    foreach($m as $i=>$p) {
      if ($total-$p == 0) {
        print "$string $i\n";
      if ($total-$p > 0) {
        rc($total-$p, $string . " " . $i, $m2);

  $c = 0;

  $m = array("mf"=>215, "ff"=>275, "ss"=>335, "hw"=>355, "ms"=>420, "sp"=>580);
  rc(1505, "", $m);
  print $c;


 mf mf mf mf mf mf mf
 mf hw hw sp



基本上,每个递归都将找到包括当前搜索元素的所有组合(例如,第一步将找到包括至少一个混合水果在内的所有组合)。理解它的最简单方法是跟踪执行,但由于这会占用大量空间,所以我会按照目标是 6.45 来执行。

MF (2.15)
  MF (4.30)
    MF (6.45) *
    FF (7.05) X
    SS (7.65) X
  [MF removed for depth 2]
  FF (4.90)
    [checking MF now would be redundant since we checked MF/MF/FF previously]
    FF (7.65) X
  [FF removed for depth 2]
  SS (5.50)
[MF removed for depth 1]



于 2008-09-26T21:00:15.303 回答



private void findAndReportSolutions(
    int target,  // goal to be achieved
    int balance, // amount of goal remaining
    int index    // menu item to try next
) {
    if (balance == 0) {
        return; // no addition to perfect order is possible
    if (index == items.length) {
        return; // ran out of menu items without finding solution
    final int price = items[index].price;
    if (balance < price) {
        return; // all remaining items cost too much
    int maxCount = balance / price; // max uses for this item
    for (int n = maxCount; 0 <= n; --n) { // loop for this item, recur for others
        counts[index] = n;
            target, balance - n * price, index + 1

public void reportSolutionsFor(int target) {
    counts = new int[items.length];
    calls = loops = falls = 0;
    findAndReportSolutions(target, target, 0);
    ps.printf("%d calls, %d loops, %d falls%n", calls, loops, falls);

public static void main(String[] args) {
    MenuItem[] items = {
        new MenuItem("mixed fruit",       215),
        new MenuItem("french fries",      275),
        new MenuItem("side salad",        335),
        new MenuItem("hot wings",         355),
        new MenuItem("mozzarella sticks", 420),
        new MenuItem("sampler plate",     580),
    Solver solver = new Solver(items);




7 mixed fruit (1505) = 1505
1 mixed fruit (215) + 2 hot wings (710) + 1 sampler plate (580) = 1505
348 calls, 347 loops, 79 falls




于 2008-12-29T17:00:33.390 回答




15.05/2.15 = 7 个混合水果 15.05/2.75 = 5.5 个炸薯条。


15 / (2.15 + 2.75) = 3.06122449 混合水果和炸薯条。


我发誓这个周末我在俱乐部关门后的凌晨 4:30 点了价值 4.77 美元的开胃菜(含税)时,我会在当地的康尼餐厅吃这个。

于 2009-03-30T21:40:41.080 回答

我对“全局变量”有一些问题,所以我把函数作为对象的方法。它是递归的,它为漫画中的问题调用了 29 次,在第一次成功匹配时停止

class Solver(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.solved = False
        self.total = 0
    def solve(s, p, pl, curList = []):
        poss = [i for i in sorted(pl, reverse = True) if i <= p]
        if len(poss) == 0 or s.solved:
            s.total += 1
            return curList
        if abs(poss[0]-p) < 0.00001:
            s.solved = True # Solved it!!!
            s.total += 1
            return curList + [poss[0]]
        ml,md = [], 10**8
        for j in [s.solve(p-i, pl, [i]) for i in poss]:
            if abs(sum(j)-p)<md: ml,md = j, abs(sum(j)-p)
        s.total += 1
        return ml + curList

priceList = [5.8, 4.2, 3.55, 3.35, 2.75, 2.15]
appetizers = ['Sampler Plate', 'Mozzarella Sticks', \
              'Hot wings', 'Side salad', 'French Fries', 'Mixed Fruit']

menu = zip(priceList, appetizers)

sol = Solver()
q = sol.solve(15.05, priceList)
print 'Total time it runned: ', sol.total
print '-'*30
order = [(m, q.count(m[0])) for m in menu if m[0] in q]
for o in order:
    print '%d x %s \t\t\t (%.2f)' % (o[1],o[0][1],o[0][0])

print '-'*30
ts = 'Total: %.2f' % sum(q)
print ' '*(30-len(ts)-1),ts


Total time it runned:  29
1 x Sampler Plate   (5.80)
2 x Hot wings       (3.55)
1 x Mixed Fruit       (2.15)
               Total: 15.05
于 2009-06-06T14:51:54.257 回答

实际上,我已经重构了我的算法。我遗漏了几个正确的组合,这是因为我在成本超过 15.05 时立即返回 - 我没有费心检查我可以添加的其他(更便宜的)项目。这是我的新算法:

<cffunction name="testCombo" returntype="numeric">
    <cfargument name="currentCombo" type="string" required="true" />
    <cfargument name="currentTotal" type="numeric" required="true" />
    <cfargument name="apps" type="array" required="true" />

    <cfset var a = 0 />
    <cfset var found = false /> 
    <cfset var CC = "" />
    <cfset var CT = 0 />

    <cfset tries = tries + 1 />

    <cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(arguments.apps)#" index="a">
        <cfset combos = combos + 1 />
        <cfset CC = listAppend(arguments.currentCombo, arguments.apps[a].name) />
        <cfset CT = arguments.currentTotal + arguments.apps[a].cost />
        <cfif CT eq 15.05>
            <!--- print current combo --->
            <cfoutput><strong>#CC# = 15.05</strong></cfoutput><br />
            <cfreturn true />
        <cfelseif CT gt 15.05>
            <!--<cfoutput>#arguments.currentCombo# > 15.05 (aborting)</cfoutput><br />-->
            <!--- less than 15.50 --->
            <!--<cfoutput>#arguments.currentCombo# < 15.05 (traversing)</cfoutput><br />-->
            <cfset found = testCombo(CC, CT, arguments.apps) />
    <cfreturn found />

<cfset mf = {name="Mixed Fruit", cost=2.15} />
<cfset ff = {name="French Fries", cost=2.75} />
<cfset ss = {name="side salad", cost=3.35} />
<cfset hw = {name="hot wings", cost=3.55} />
<cfset ms = {name="moz sticks", cost=4.20} />
<cfset sp = {name="sampler plate", cost=5.80} />
<cfset apps = [ mf, ff, ss, hw, ms, sp ] />

<cfset tries = 0 />
<cfset combos = 0 />

    <cfloop from="1" to="6" index="b">
        #testCombo(apps[b].name, apps[b].cost, apps)#
    <br />
    tries: #tries#<br />
    combos: #combos#


Mixed Fruit,Mixed Fruit,Mixed Fruit,Mixed Fruit,Mixed Fruit,Mixed Fruit,Mixed Fruit = 15.05
Mixed Fruit,hot wings,hot wings,sampler plate = 15.05
Mixed Fruit,hot wings,sampler plate,hot wings = 15.05
Mixed Fruit,sampler plate,hot wings,hot wings = 15.05
false false false hot wings,Mixed Fruit,hot wings,sampler plate = 15.05
hot wings,Mixed Fruit,sampler plate,hot wings = 15.05
hot wings,hot wings,Mixed Fruit,sampler plate = 15.05
hot wings,sampler plate,Mixed Fruit,hot wings = 15.05
false false sampler plate,Mixed Fruit,hot wings,hot wings = 15.05
sampler plate,hot wings,Mixed Fruit,hot wings = 15.05
tries: 2014
combos: 12067


于 2008-09-26T20:52:48.237 回答

@rcar 的答案中学习,以及稍后的另一个重构,我得到了以下内容。

与我编写的许多东西一样,我已经从 CFML 重构为 CFScript,但代码基本相同。

我在他的建议中添加了数组中动态起点的建议(而不是按值传递数组并更改其值以供将来递归使用),这使我得到了与他相同的统计数据(209 次递归,571 次组合价格检查(循环迭代) )),然后通过假设数组将按成本排序——因为它是——并在我们超过目标价格时立即中断,从而对此进行了改进。中断后,我们减少到 209 次递归和 376 次循环迭代。


function testCombo(minIndex, currentCombo, currentTotal){
    var a = 0;
    var CC = "";
    var CT = 0;
    var found = false;

    tries += 1;
    for (a=arguments.minIndex; a <= arrayLen(apps); a++){
        combos += 1;
        CC = listAppend(arguments.currentCombo, apps[a].name);
        CT = arguments.currentTotal + apps[a].cost;
        if (CT eq 15.05){
            //print current combo
            WriteOutput("<strong>#CC# = 15.05</strong><br />");
        }else if (CT gt 15.05){
            //since we know the array is sorted by cost (asc),
            //and we've already gone over the price limit,
            //we can ignore anything else in the array
            //less than 15.50, try adding something else
            found = testCombo(a, CC, CT);

mf = {name="mixed fruit", cost=2.15};
ff = {name="french fries", cost=2.75};
ss = {name="side salad", cost=3.35};
hw = {name="hot wings", cost=3.55};
ms = {name="mozarella sticks", cost=4.20};
sp = {name="sampler plate", cost=5.80};
apps = [ mf, ff, ss, hw, ms, sp ];

tries = 0;
combos = 0;

testCombo(1, "", 0);

WriteOutput("<br />tries: #tries#<br />combos: #combos#");
于 2008-10-03T17:45:41.530 回答

这是 Clojure 中的并发实现。计算(items-with-price 15.05)大约需要 14 次组合生成递归,以及大约 10 次可能性检查。我花了大约 6 分钟来计算(items-with-price 100)我的 Intel Q9300。


;; np-complete.clj
;; A Clojure solution to XKCD #287 "NP-Complete"
;; By Sam Fredrickson
;; The function "items-with-price" returns a sequence of items whose sum price
;; is equal to the given price, or nil.

(defstruct item :name :price)

(def *items* #{(struct item "Mixed Fruit" 2.15)
               (struct item "French Fries" 2.75)
               (struct item "Side Salad" 3.35)
               (struct item "Hot Wings" 3.55)
               (struct item "Mozzarella Sticks" 4.20)
               (struct item "Sampler Plate" 5.80)})

(defn items-with-price [price]
  (let [check-count (atom 0)
        recur-count (atom 0)
        result  (atom nil)
        checker (agent nil)
        ; gets the total price of a seq of items.
        items-price (fn [items] (apply + (map #(:price %) items)))
        ; checks if the price of the seq of items matches the sought price.
        ; if so, it changes the result atom. if the result atom is already
        ; non-nil, nothing is done.
        check-items (fn [unused items]
                      (swap! check-count inc)
                      (if (and (nil? @result)
                               (= (items-price items) price))
                        (reset! result items)))
        ; lazily generates a list of combinations of the given seq s.
        ; haven't tested well...
        combinations (fn combinations [cur s]
                       (swap! recur-count inc)
                       (if (or (empty? s)
                               (> (items-price cur) price))
                         (cons cur
                          (lazy-cat (combinations (cons (first s) cur) s)
                                    (combinations (cons (first s) cur) (rest s))
                                    (combinations cur (rest s))))))]
    ; loops through the combinations of items, checking each one in a thread
    ; pool until there are no more combinations or the result atom is non-nil.
    (loop [items-comb (combinations '() (seq *items*))]
      (if (and (nil? @result)
               (not-empty items-comb))
        (do (send checker check-items (first items-comb))
            (recur (rest items-comb)))))
    (await checker)
    (println "No. of recursions:" @recur-count)
    (println "No. of checks:" @check-count)
于 2009-06-01T20:55:28.910 回答


此外,您可以使用数学计算每次开始的每种食品的最大数量,这样您就不会尝试超过 15.05 美元目标的组合。

这个算法只需要尝试 88 种组合就可以得到完整的答案,这看起来是迄今为止发布的最低值:

public class NPComplete {
    private static final int[] FOOD = { 580, 420, 355, 335, 275, 215 };
    private static int tries;

    public static void main(String[] ignore) {
        tries = 0;
        addFood(1505, "", 0);
        System.out.println("Combinations tried: " + tries);

    private static void addFood(int goal, String result, int index) {
        // If no more food to add, see if this is a solution
        if (index >= FOOD.length) {
            if (goal == 0)
                System.out.println(tries + " tries: " + result.substring(3));

        // Try all possible quantities of this food
        // If this is the last food item, only try the max quantity
        int qty = goal / FOOD[index];
        do {
            addFood(goal - qty * FOOD[index],
                    result + " + " + qty + " * " + FOOD[index], index + 1);
        } while (index < FOOD.length - 1 && --qty >= 0);


9 次尝试:1 * 580 + 0 * 420 + 2 * 355 + 0 * 335 + 0 * 275 + 1 * 215
88 次尝试:0 * 580 + 0 * 420 + 0 * 355 + 0 * 335 + 0 * 275 + 7 * 215
于 2010-01-07T19:06:20.430 回答