when I use the inline editing stuff with the CKEditor, no maximize and source editing buttons are shown. How can I activate then for inline editing?
Thanks and Regards,
when I use the inline editing stuff with the CKEditor, no maximize and source editing buttons are shown. How can I activate then for inline editing?
Thanks and Regards,
I can't comment on Reinmar's answer so I'll just 'answer' instead. The fact that you can't see the need for this option doens't mean that it doesn't exist. I for one have a situation where I want to use the inline editor but will want to offer the option to maximize the editing area. I'll elaborate a bit.
In my case the (multiple) editing area(s) of fixed dimensions (=> scrolling div). These divs are used for users to enter data. In some cases though the divs aren't large enough for the users data and thus I would users to maximize the editing area. When they're done, they can close or restore the maximized editor and the data will be presented inside the scrolling div.
Basically what I want is having a page with multiple editing areas. The toolbar should only become visible when users start editing an area. The inline editor is ideal for this (even more if it could be shared for performance reasons) but it lacks the option to maximize.
CKEditor 4.1 ( ticket )中将添加内联源代码编辑。所以在二月中旬它应该准备好了。
我已经制作了一个插件,其中包括在内联模式下的源代码编辑:我无法将 Source 按钮添加到 CKEditor 4 的工具栏
关于源 HTML:CK Editor 4 内联编辑器不提供就地源编辑,但有一个解决方案:
修改 editorConfig 中的工具栏定义以包含该Sourcedialog
config.toolbar = [
{ name: 'document', items: ['Sourcedialog'] },