[编辑:我正在运行 Python 2.7.3]
我是一名网络工程师,我一直在破解ncclient(网站上的版本很旧,这是我一直在使用的版本),以使其与 Brocade 的 NETCONF 实现一起工作。为了让它与我们的 Brocade 设备一起工作,我必须进行一些调整,但我必须分叉出包装并对源本身进行调整。这对我来说并不“干净”,所以我决定尝试“以正确的方式”做它并覆盖包中存在的一些东西*;具体三件事:
- 一个名为 build() 的“静态方法”,属于 HelloHandler 类,它本身是 SessionListener 的子类
- RPC 类的“._id”属性(最初的实现使用 uuid,而 Brocade 盒子不太喜欢这个,所以在我最初的调整中,我只是把它改成了一个永远不会改变的静态值)。
- 对构建 XML 过滤器属性的 util 函数的小调整
#!/usr/bin/env python
# hack on XML element creation and create a subclass to override HelloHandler's
# build() method to format the XML in a way that the brocades actually like
from ncclient.xml_ import *
from ncclient.transport.session import HelloHandler
from ncclient.operations.rpc import RPC, RaiseMode
from ncclient.operations import util
# register brocade namespace and create functions to create proper xml for
# hello/capabilities exchange
BROCADE_1_0 = "http://brocade.com/ns/netconf/config/netiron-config/"
register_namespace('brcd', BROCADE_1_0)
brocade_new_ele = lambda tag, ns, attrs={}, **extra: ET.Element(qualify(tag, ns), attrs, **extra)
brocade_sub_ele = lambda parent, tag, ns, attrs={}, **extra: ET.SubElement(parent, qualify(tag, ns), attrs, **extra)
# subclass RPC to override self._id to change uuid-generated message-id's;
# Brocades seem to not be able to handle the really long id's
class BrcdRPC(RPC):
def __init__(self, session, async=False, timeout=30, raise_mode=RaiseMode.NONE):
self._id = "1"
return super(BrcdRPC, self).self._id
class BrcdHelloHandler(HelloHandler):
def __init__(self):
return super(BrcdHelloHandler, self).__init__()
def build(capabilities):
hello = brocade_new_ele("hello", None, {'xmlns':"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"})
caps = brocade_sub_ele(hello, "capabilities", None)
def fun(uri): brocade_sub_ele(caps, "capability", None).text = uri
map(fun, capabilities)
return to_xml(hello)
#return super(BrcdHelloHandler, self).build() ???
# since there's no classes I'm assuming I can just override the function itself
# in ncclient.operations.util?
def build_filter(spec, capcheck=None):
type = None
if isinstance(spec, tuple):
type, criteria = spec
# brocades want the netconf prefix on subtree filter attribute
rep = new_ele("filter", {'nc:type':type})
if type == "xpath":
rep.attrib["select"] = criteria
elif type == "subtree":
raise OperationError("Invalid filter type")
rep = validated_element(spec, ("filter", qualify("filter")),
# TODO set type var here, check if select attr present in case of xpath..
if type == "xpath" and capcheck is not None:
return rep
#!/usr/bin/env python
from ncclient import manager
from brcd_ncclient import *
manager.logging.basicConfig(filename='ncclient.log', level=manager.logging.DEBUG)
# brocade server capabilities advertising as 1.1 compliant when they're really not
# this will stop ncclient from attempting 1.1 chunked netconf message transactions
manager.CAPABILITIES = ['urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:writeable-running:1.0', 'urn:ietf:params:netconf:base:1.0']
# BROCADE_1_0 is the namespace defined for netiron configs in brcd_ncclient
# this maps to the 'brcd' prefix used in xml elements, ie subtree filter criteria
with manager.connect(host='hostname_or_ip', username='username', password='password') as m:
# 'get' request with no filter - for brocades just shows 'show version' data
c = m.get()
print c
# 'get-config' request with 'mpls-config' filter - if no filter is
# supplied with 'get-config', brocade returns nothing
netironcfg = brocade_new_ele('netiron-config', BROCADE_1_0)
mplsconfig = brocade_sub_ele(netironcfg, 'mpls-config', BROCADE_1_0)
filterstr = to_xml(netironcfg)
c2 = m.get_config(source='running', filter=('subtree', filterstr))
print c2
# so far it only looks like the supported filters for 'get-config'
# operations are: 'interface-config', 'vlan-config' and 'mpls-config'
我可以看到我的子类定义(即更改 XML 以进行 hello 交换的那个 - staticmethod build
)被忽略并且 Brocade 框不知道如何解释原始 ncclientHelloHandler.build()
方法正在生成的 XML**。我还可以在生成的日志文件中看到,我尝试覆盖的其他内容也被忽略了,例如消息 ID(静态值为 1)以及 XML 过滤器。
*有人可以向我解释这是否是“猴子补丁”并且实际上很糟糕吗?我在研究中看到猴子修补是不可取的,但是这个答案和这个答案让我很困惑。对我来说,我想要覆盖这些位将使我不必维护我自己的 ncclient 的整个分支。
默认情况下生成的这个 XML,Brocade 框似乎不喜欢:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<nc:hello xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
方法的目的是将上面的 XML 转换成这个(Brocade 确实喜欢:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<hello xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">